Saturday, August 12, 2023

Media Moves the Goalpost Again on Biden Corruption Coverage; Traditional Catholics Targeted Because They Will Never Accept The Left’s Pagan Morality...more

Instead, the Congress has found dozens of shell companies and accounts used by the Bidens to help conceal the transfer of millions to Biden family members, including grandchildren. This includes references to bills of Joe Biden being paid out of joint accounts and benefits from deals that might include free offices. At the same time, these foreign sources sent direct money to the Biden Family Fund, a financial legacy that Joe Biden would leave in the form of millions of foreign contributions. At 80 with millions in wealth, Joe Biden is likely more motivated by moving wealth to his descendants than himself.


The FBI Targeted Traditional Catholics Because They Will Never Accept The Left’s Pagan Morality  Setting aside the absurd pretext that traditionalist Catholic parishes are fonts of “white supremacy” and potential terrorism, it should come as no surprise that the FBI would target Latin Mass-attending Catholics.
  Why? Because the FBI has become a tool of the permanent regime in Washington, which will tolerate no resistance to their ideology — an ideology best understood as pagan morality. Abortion, gender ideology, and the thinly-veiled racism of critical race theory in particular are considered sacred by the regime. Traditional Catholics — or “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” in FBI parlance — oppose these things and will never accept them.


   The Blaze reported Friday that CNN hosts Dana Bash and John King were left “perplexed” at Iowa voters’ answers to the most pressing issues of the day including the Trump prosecutions, Ukraine, and 2020 election fraud. They simply could not understand why voters no longer trusted them.
   The segment opens with King making a recent visit to Iowa to speak with voters. As it begins, King haughtily intoned that the voters’ “reverence for Ronald Reagan” and “optimism” has been overridden by Trump’s grievances, “disdain of big government” and “Trump’s distrust of just about everything.” Their answers below certainly explain why King was so triggered.


Conservative students appear blackballed from top law reviews...‘They use the diversity statement to find out who we are and keep us off’  A dearth of conservative students among law review mastheads at three of the country’s top law schools has prompted accusations that center-right students and members of the Federalist Society are discriminated against when it comes to access to the prestigious publications.

The problem matters because law reviews “are the ultra-status symbol of law pedigree in law school,” said University of Chicago law school student Benjamin Ogilvie, who did research to determine the apparent bias against conservative law students at the top-ranked Columbia, Northwestern and Stanford law schools.



The Biden administration has utterly destroyed the southern border -- and immigration law with it.
Biden green lighted 7 million illegal aliens swarming into the U.S. without legal sanction or rudimentary audit.
China spies inside and over the U.S. with impunity. Beijing has never admitted to its responsibility for the gain-of-function COVID virus that killed a million Americans.

As Dr. Makis reported in that absolutely bizarre story, he has documented the almost unbelievable stories of 12 different families, consisting of 2 or 3 family members, who most likely had gotten 'vaxxed' at the same time, only to then develop 'Turbo cancers' at the same time, an occurrence that seems like it would be impossible, but instead gives us overwhelming evidence of a deadly link between the vaxxes...and these incredible aggressive and quickly-spreading cancers, evidence that should be enough to lead to new Nuremberg trials for all of the COVID vax pushers.
(I have 2 closely-related family members who developed cancers after the work-required covid jabs -PD)


This is a slim, wickedly funny satire of 126 pages organised into ten chapters of rollicking hilarity. It’s a hugely enjoyable book for all those who were critical of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines. As the Brits say, it takes the piss out of all the self-proclaimed Covid experts, the public health clerisy, the media, and people with blind faith in the experts.  (I just ordered this book-need to laugh!)


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