18,000 Border Patrol agents support Texas, blast Biden admin A statement released on Thursday by the NBPC, which is the official union for over 18,000 U.S. Customs Customs and Border Protection (CBP) employees, pushed back against what the union described as “fake news” reports that Border Patrol agents would be arresting Texas National Guardsmen at the border.
When many of us became aware of this was during the COVID crisis. Reading the news, it appeared as if every expert agreed with the policies that were wrecking business life and society in general while holding out no chance of finally ending the virus. We knew many scientists and medical doctors who were not in favor of these policies and yet they were being silenced on social media and never interviewed in the mainstream press.
Then the floods of reality hit with emails and edicts coming directly from government agencies to block this information and that and hit particular accounts with takedown orders. Many of us did not know this sort of thing could happen in the United States because we have a First Amendment that restricts the government from interfering with free speech even if by using third parties to achieve the aim. But it did happen.
The whole thing sounds like a right-wing fever dream but as the saying goes, it’s real and it’s spectacular. And that’s precisely why you haven’t heard much about it from the mainstream media and why a left-leaning blogger is getting the story out. This is a pretty clear case where a DEI pressure group— the National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees—convinced the FAA to drop standards and then further gamed the new system from the inside for the benefit of the group’s members. All of this including the FAA “investigation” which cleared those involved stinks to high heaven but we’re not supposed to talk about that because we can’t let the right have a win on DEI at this moment in time or, you know, ever.
The insiders get rich and get to feel important, at everyone else’s expense.
In America, it’s harder to make such comparisons, but certainly the last half-century has seen an enormous transfer of wealth from the middle classes to the educated insiders.
No wonder the latter are so scared.
The total number of plastic bags did go down, falling by 60% to 894 million bags, but the problem was the alternatives ended up having a much larger carbon footprint.
Most of New Jersey’s stores switched to reusable shopping bags, the kind often sold in supermarkets. These bags are made with non-woven polypropylene, which uses more than 15 times more plastic, and they are often not recycled.
Wretch, wrath, hell, grave
Q: What do those four words have in common?
A: They’re all words from popular Christian songs that have been removed or replaced with an entirely different word or concept.
Unfortunately, Valerian turned out to be a complete disaster.
"Off-The-Rails Psychologically" - The Democratic Party Will Do Anything To Avert Losing Control Of Govt I’m sure you can see exactly where all this is going. By all this, I refer to the cortège of disasters orchestrated by “Joe Biden” and associates — with help from a power-crazed globalist cabal — hauling our country at a gallop now to the graveyard of empires. Is there any question that they are out to wreck Western Civ? And speeding up the action because too many actual citizens are rising to oppose their degenerate wickedness?