Tuesday, February 27, 2024

NY Parental Rights in Jeopardy: Biden's 30 x 30 Land Grab...more

Parental Rights Are Under Attack in NY...Dems in state legislature have put forth legislation that appears to be designed to allow minors to undergo transgender procedures without parental consent.   “I find this very interesting language here,” Parshall Perry said. “When we … paint children as incapable of making contracts, voting, getting a tattoo, or registering for the draft, while saying they have sufficient maturity and intelligence to be able to make consequential decisions about long-term healthcare; decisions that will affect their bodies, potentially for the rest of their lives. That is distinctly an effort to evade parental notification and parental involvement [in cases] where parents aren’t supportive of the junk science.”

Radical Democrats And Courts Are Kidnapping Gender-Confused Kids For Ideological Ransom The left will continue its incremental effort to reclass the rejection of trans ideology as child abuse, paving the way for ideological jurisprudence and leaving parents mired in endless litigation intended to demoralize and strip them of their most basic rights.


President Biden signaled commitment to this preposterous agenda within days of taking office: his Executive Order 14008, a.k.a. ‘America the Beautiful’ or 30 x 30, is a blatant departure from constitutional principles of private property and hopes to place 30% of land and water in the U.S. under permanent protection by 2030.  In tandem, the Department of Interior issued secretarial order (SO) 3396, rescinding the Trump administration’s SO 3388 and removing state and local veto power over federal land acquisitions.

Under the pretext of reversing “human caused climate change,” the program works in the sinister shadow of George Soros and his cabal of billionaire elite.  By controlling land, water, and food through ownership by pliant governments, they will eventually control people.  That is the real purpose.


‘Blood Money‘: How China Is Secretly Arming American Criminals   As U.S. law enforcement has become better at identifying these switches coming from China, Chinese producers have switched tactics and increasingly are shipping them to Mexico and smuggling them across the border into the U.S., where they eventually end up in the hangs of gangs, felons, and drug dealers. And drug cartels in Mexico are also starting to manufacture the devices themselves, using machines provided by Chinese companies, Schweizer reveals... Image


Most people don't realize how bad the situation is in medical schools, worse than in general higher ed   “The ideological capture of over two-thirds of medical schools demonstrates that CRT/DEI has become a part of the fabric of medical education. We are training future doctors to look at patients through a racial lens, with potentially frightening consequences for society,” Jacobson said.

“It’s often said that collapse happens slowly, and then very suddenly. Medical school education is slowly collapsing, but it’s not too late,” he continued. “We need to stop the CRT/DEI medical agenda before that collapse becomes irreversible.”


Words, Words, Words.... For Those Who Have Ears to Hear    But at the core of the Christian faith is the confirmation that the human experience reflects reality. It can be gotten right, and its truths can be spoken. When Moses saw the burning bush, he saw the universe in full, creation and destruction without end. From that eternal process, came the voice of God and his name: I AM. The dance of being emanated from a person, a person who could speak his name and his nature. Because of that, I AM could ultimately take human form and speak the truth about our lives.

The Word — and all the words, words, words with which he spoke of it — became flesh.

Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.


Google's AI Debacle...Why is Google creating pro-Nazi and pro-Confederate propaganda?   And the claim that America was founded on racism, a staple of the woke history narrative, looks a bit weak given that the Founders were apparently black.  Even George Washington!  (To be honest, black George Washington looks pretty handsome – the actual George Washington’s complexion was a bit pink and blotchy.).  And hey, we’ve all seen Hamilton so who could doubt that?  (There’s more here for fans of Bridgerton, but that, as the old mathematics textbooks used to say, is left as an exercise for the reader).

But I actually think Google might also have performed a public service, by making explicit the implicit rules that recently have seemed to govern a great deal of decision-making in large swaths of tech, education and media sectors: It’s generally safe to punch right, but rarely to punch left. Treat left-leaning sources as neutral; right-leaning sources as biased and controversial. Contextualize left-wing transgressions, while condemning right-coded ones. Fiscal conservatism is tolerable but social conservatism is beyond the pale. “Diversity” applies to race, sex, ethnicity and gender identity, not viewpoint, religiosity, social class or educational attainment.

------------"Lights of freedom are going out"-------------

Lara Logan re: Facebook and Google:  
"Lights of freedom are going out"


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