Thursday, February 22, 2024

The globalists' war against the Christian ideal; Spying on Americans' Bank Accounts...more

Mass Migration, Transhumanism, Sustainability, and God...The globalists' war against the Christian ideal The importance of the individual is a profoundly Christian ideal. Christianity is concerned about the potential eternal happiness of every individual based on his or her salvation in light of his or her relationship with Christ. Thus, the views of the WEF and the sustainability freaks who insist that we stop eating meat, stop driving gas-powered automobiles, stop using gas stoves, get used to living in smaller spaces and closer to our jobs, and stop making a big deal about the sanctity of male or female identity (which distracts from the supposedly more important issues of sustainability) are directly in opposition to the essence of Christianity.


It has been clear for quite some time that the Biden regime, despite its show of support for Israel, is really on the side of Hamas. Now the regime is in serious talks to respond to Hamas’ brutal and inhuman murder of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023 by giving it the biggest reward of all: a Palestinian state.


What to Know About the Cellular Outages Happening Across the U.S.   “Some of our customers are experiencing wireless service interruptions this morning.  We are working urgently to restore service to them,” said AT&T in a statement to TIME. “We encourage the use of Wi-Fi calling until service is restored.” The cellular company did not provide any details as to what is causing the outages. 
   Reported outages reached a peak of nearly 74,300 outages at 9:15 a.m. ET, though the number of reports are now dipping.

Powerful twin solar flares erupt from sun as cell phone outages spike across US (video)  Tens of thousands of outages were reported by major cellular carriers throughout the United States after a pair of powerful solar flares erupted from the sun on Feb. 21 and Feb. 22.


O'Keefe Media Group Uncovers IRS's Use of AI to Spy on Americans' Bank Accounts, DOJ/IG Run Program  An undercover journalist sat down with Alex Mena, who works in the Criminal Investigations Unit for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and was told about practices the IRS engages in, including viewing Americans’ bank accounts whenever they want through AI technology, targeting the average American because they can and not having a problem with putting anyone in prison for whatever reasons they conclude are worthy of such a punishment.
OMG Journalist: “So AI has access to like everybody’s bank account?”
Mena: “Yes.”
OMG Journalist: “What? And that’s just, is that like nationwide or just here in like New York, New Jersey?”
Mena: “No, nationwide.”
OMG Journalist: “Oh my gosh!”
Mena: “But actually like most of the cases, cause we’re still controlling the AI for now, cause it’s a new system. Like most of the cases we get is like people snitching on each other. That’s most of the cases we get right now.”

Blue States, Cities Using COVID Funds to Support Illegal Immigrants  “This means the Biden Administration directly subsidized ‘undocumented’ immigration under the guise of COVID-19 pandemic relief.”

Just asking questions about election integrity is a risky proposition for us. When we dared to ask questions in 2020, our reporting was suppressed and censored by Big Tech. We have another presidential election coming up, and clearly, there are still problems that could cast doubt on the legitimacy of the results. Image


Israeli Rape Crisis Center Report: 'Hamas's attack on October 7 included brutal sexual assaults, carried out systematically and deliberately towards Israeli civilians'  The Palestinian perpetrators filmed their atrocities, bragged about it, and celebrated it. Captured terrorists have confirmed that rape was the plan, even of dead bodies.

-------------They want your kids-------------

They're Coming for Your Kids: Even Red State Parents Are Losing Their Children to Trans Ghoul Authorities  The trans crew went from "just wanting bathroom rights" to dominating women's sports, frequent violence, brutal assaults, and multiple mass shootings that the media is happy to ignore.
    Not bending a knee to trans madness can now cost you your kids, and I don't just mean in the Marxist states. Image


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