Friday, May 10, 2024

Biden Risks American Lives to Protect Hamas; What the protesters are really calling for...more

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin recently admitted at a congressional hearing that American soldiers operating Biden’s disastrous “aid pier” for Gaza could come under attack from Islamic terrorists.
   Biden has not sent a single soldier to recover American hostages being held by Hamas, but there are now soldiers in the line of fire in order to send aid to Gaza.
   In the event American forces on the pier come under attack, they would be allowed to fight back, Austin promised. But based on the rules of engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan, all the terrorists have to do is attack from a mosque or from behind civilians, and American soldiers would be banned from fighting back.
   And those are the ways that Hamas tends to attack.


US Is Failing To Counter Threat Of Chinese Land Ownership, Report Finds  “The threat posed by Chinese entities purchasing real estate in the U.S. and using it for malign purposes is real,” the report concludes. “As China presents the United States’ greatest national security threat and has a history of particular threats to real estate and agricultural land, measures to counter those threats must be a priority.”

The Campus Intifadas Are Not ‘Anti-War Protests’...What the protesters are really calling for  Make no mistake: when every single protest about Gaza features a sea of Palestinian flags (and sometimes those of Hezbollah and even ISIS as well), chants of “Free Palestine,” and genocidal calls against Israel and the Jews; when harassment, sometimes violent, of Jewish and pro-Israel students is rampant at these events; and when these protests are driven by Soros’ money and equipped by American socialist and communist organizations proclaiming revolutionary “solidarity” with Palestine; it is undeniable that these protests are not anti-war but anti-Israel, antisemitic, anti-American, anti-capitalist, and even anti-white (the Left considers Jews to belong to the supposed white oppressor class).

Despite the concerted media effort to camouflage their true aims, these radicals (students, faculty, and outside agitators) seizing college campuses are not calling for an end to war in Gaza. They are calling for a state of permanent revolution until every status quo is eradicated, and a new, collectivist utopia (either Muslim or Communist) is established on the ruins of today’s West. They are calling for an end to Israel and America.


There are times in the life of a nation, of a church, and of any collective, where the differences in authority become irreconcilable. In a nation, you have civil war, e.g., Americans in 1860 were no longer able to agree to live and let live on the question of slavery. In a church, you have schism. Neither of these fates should be desired, or accepted except as a last resort. But unless you have made an idol of the Nation, or the Church — that is, unless your ultimate end in life, the final authority, is the Country and its institutions, or the Church — then civil war (or a peaceful divorce, as the Czech Republic and Slovakia did after Communism ended) or schism has to be a possibility. A fate to be avoided if at all possible, but something that must be a last resort if Living In Truth is the most important thing.
   It was time for the United Methodists to schism. There was no chance that the orthodox Methodists were going to prevail. Image


It is easy to fool oneself into believing that everything is really fine, and that soon the signs which give one a feeling of unease will disappear and life will be just dandy again. At present, however, DON’T ignore these telltale signs; something is very wrong in the world, and if you really wish to return to a semblance of normality and civility, look truth in the face, and whistle that happy tune as a prelude to acting. We have reached the point where everything is in the balance – not only our lives, but our and our descendants’ future as free citizens.

A vast swath of unelected bureaucrats took it upon themselves to manage all knowledge flows in the age of the Internet, with the ambition to turn the main source of news and sharing into a giant American version of Pravda. All of this occurred right under our noses – and is still going on today. 
   Indeed, censorship is a full-on industry now, with hundreds and thousands of cut-outs, universities, media companies, government agencies, and even young people in school studying to be disinformation specialists, and bragging about it on social media. We are just one step away from a New York Times article – as follow-ups to their recent praise of the Deep State and also government surveillance – with a headline like “The Good Society Needs Censors.”


Online Witch Doctors Lure South African Christians   Millions of Black South Africans seek guidance from sangomas, traditional healers or so-called witch doctors who use their spiritual gifts to connect with ancestors, prescribe herbs to heal illnesses, and throw dry bones to predict the future.
   It’s a centuries-old tradition that has continued in the majority-Christian country and has adapted for the internet age: A new breed of influencer sangomas are positioning themselves on social media as digital-entrepreneurial-spiritual seers.


Ascension Health, largest Catholic hospital chain in the U.S., hit by cyberattack, disrupting patient care   The attack follows another one that has caused a weekslong disruption to insurance giant UnitedHealth.



In the decades immediately ahead, East Asia will experience perhaps the modern world’s most dramatic demographic shift. All of the region’s main states—China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan—are about to enter into an era of depopulation, in which they will age dramatically and lose millions of people. According to projections from the Population Division of the UN Department of Economic Social Affairs, China’s and Japan’s populations are set to fall by eight percent and 18 percent, respectively, between 2020 and 2050. South Korea’s population is poised to shrink by 12 percent. And Taiwan’s will go down by an estimated eight percent. The U.S. population, by contrast, is on track to increase by 12 percent.


Title IX Ruling Protects Homeschool from Federal Overreach A federal court of appeals ruling last month protects nonprofits (including private schools and homeschools) from federal overreach in the context of Title IX regulations.
   Schools that receive government money have to abide by Title IX, but the court found that having 501(c)(3) status is not enough to put a private school into that category. The ruling means private schools cannot be subject to Title IX solely because of their status with the IRS.
   The ruling overturned a dangerous decision that could have affected homeschools that are considered private schools in some states...

Seattle may close 20 public elementary schools amid mass exodus of students ... to address a $100 million annual budget shortfall.

Why Isn't the Dept of Education Reporting on Sex Abuse in Public Schools?  It was all the way back in 2004 that the Department of Education released a report finding that, between kindergarten and 12th grade, 9.6% of students nationwide were subjected to sexual misconduct by a school employee. That’s one in ten students, totaling more than 5 million child victims in the system at any given time. Teachers, coaches, and bus drivers were the most common offenders.

California School That Expelled Students for False 'Blackface' Allegations Ordered to Pay $1 Million  The lawsuit centered on Saint Francis High School, a private Catholic institution, whose leadership decided to expel two students for supposedly posting a picture on social media in which they wore blackface. The problem? The kids were not actually wearing blackface as the school claimed.


Do the MSM collude with the CDC, or are they just willing stooges?  You can almost see them gleefully shouting, “Take that, you ignorant, gun-toting, bible-clinging, anti-vax, MAGA rednecks!”  But the joke is on them.  Journalists who automatically spit out whatever the CDC says without any critical analysis are not science reporters, they’re just science report summarizers.

H5N1, we can’t quit you!
   Yes, with Covid firmly in the rearview mirror, Team Apocalypse has gone back to its old standby, the granddaddy of ‘em all, influenza.
   Covid needed a refresh. Even long Covid is now a punchline. And from Team Apocalypse’s point of view, the flu has the great virtue of occasionally taking out someone who isn’t already terminally ill, 400 pounds, or 85 years old.

The attack on Bhattacharya and his brave colleagues was about as antiscientific as they were vicious, but he stood firm in the face of outrageous pressure to recant. Being associated with as radioactive a figure as Ron DeSantis was an unforgivable sin, as was speaking the truth in an environment in which truth was seen as the enemy.


Is It Even Possible to Keep Democrats’ Hands off Your Appliances? This is about power.  There’s something deeply pathological about a political party that simply can’t abide your dishwater — or water heater or washing machine or toilet or shower heads or stove — working like you’d like it to.
   Maybe “pathological” isn’t even the word. “Psychotic” is more like it.
   They’ve largely ruined all of those appliances with idiotic regulations designed to save energy or water that were not in a shortage, offering grandiose justifications like: “We’re saving the planet.”


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