Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Harvard-Harris Poll Shows Americans Overwhelmingly Hate Hamas and Love Israel; Plausible Deniability Run Amok...more

Campus Is Not Reality – Harvard-Harris Poll Shows Americans Overwhelmingly Hate Hamas and Love Israel   KEY FINDINGS:  Voters strongly support Israel over Hamas (79-21) and believe Israel is trying to minimize civilian casualties (69-31)

AP Admits Noncitizens Vote In U.S. Elections While Insisting It’s No Big Deal  The Associated Press acknowledged foreign nationals have been caught ‘illegally registering and even casting ballots.’


Investors who bought shares of DocuSign, Zoom or Peloton at the onset of the pandemic and held on to them until now are suffering from a severe pandemic hangover, though, as the shares of these companies are now worth (significantly) less than they were in March 2020.


What are the wages of rigged elections?  Invasion, inflation, taxation, and war.  But for a 2020 jiggering of state election procedures that allowed Democrats to flood battleground states with fraudulent mail-in ballots and other illegally cast votes, Americans would not today be suffering from unprecedented foreign invasion, out-of-control inflation, higher taxes, crippling regulations, or the specter of global war.  The Deep State that permanently controls the day-to-day maneuverings of the U.S. government wanted open borders, unconstrained money-printing, income confiscation at home, and empire-building abroad.  All it had to do was steal the 2020 election. Image



Reuters is reporting that most of the aid coming into Gaza from the U.S. military's pier since Saturday was stolen by Palestinians as it made its journey to the UN's warehouse in nearby Deir El Balah.
* 11 trucks out of 16 trucks were cleaned out on Saturday 


The Biden administration’s race-based tax plan is disgusting:  It is a malevolent effort to destroy middle-class prosperity by brandishing race  “Americans of color,” forsooth. I am an American of color — a pleasing pink, if you must know — and so, even if you are an albino, are you. To distinguish among citizens on the basis of skin color — preferring some hues to others — is not only invidious, it is un-American. It should also be illegal.
But here we have the Department of the Treasury telling us about how the Biden administration has plans to tax Americans differently depending on their race. It is disgusting.


Armed Parishioners Scare Off Man Who Fired Shot in Church Parking Lot  What would have happened had that parishioner decided to leave their gun behind on Saturday night? Was the suspect merely trying to intimidate worshippers, or would he have escalated his threats once he realized that no one in the group of volunteers had guns of their own? We might not ever know, because at least one volunteer at Our Lady of Guadalupe made the decision to carry on Saturday night and was able to defuse the situation without anyone getting hurt.


"But last year, for the first time, the NPS denied the Knights a permit to hold the service in the cemetery, citing a new policy that designates 'religious services' as prohibited 'demonstrations.' Under the new policy, the Knights longstanding memorial service now must be held somewhere outside the cemetery grounds even though other events may be held in the cemetery."
...The sudden change came about under the Joe Biden administration, which abruptly imposed a ban on what its officials consider "religious."


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