Sunday, May 26, 2024

US Missionaries killed in Haiti; Possible association between tattoos and lymphoma revealed...more

US Missionaries Slaughtered in Haiti, Ambushed by 3 Truck Loads of Gang Members - Biden Silent So Far  “This evening when Davy, Natalie and the kids were coming out of Youth at the church they were ambushed by a gang of 3 trucks full of guys,” the Christian mission said. “Davy was taken to the house tied up and beat. The gang then took our trucks and loaded everything up they wanted and left.
  “Another gang came after to see what was going on and if they could help, so they say. No one understood what they were doing, not sure what took place but one was shot and killed and now this gang went into full attack mode.


"After taking into account other relevant factors, such as smoking and age, we found that the risk of developing lymphoma was 21% higher among those who were tattooed. It is important to remember that lymphoma is a rare disease and that our results apply at the group level. The results now need to be verified and investigated further in other studies and such research is ongoing," says Nielsen.


Release from gasoline reserve raises doubts Biden will replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve    “Biden’s war on American energy has had disastrous results and Americans are reeling from high gas prices going into the summer. From shutting down the Keystone Pipeline to banning energy leases on federal land, Joe Biden’s top-down policies have stifled our country’s energy resources and made even things like a family road trip more expensive,” Akash Chougule, vice president of government affairs for AFP, said in a statement. Tapping the SPR further isn't a popular move among energy experts, because it takes more oil off the market and refilling it risks high gasoline prices down the road.


Kevin O’Leary torches Biden student loan handout as ‘unfair’ and ‘un-American’: ‘I really really hate this’   “This is a very difficult pill to swallow for people that understand when you borrow money you have to pay it back,” he added. “Particularly, for those who do not understand why a selected group of individuals in history get a free ride. This is so un-American, it is so unfair, it is so inconsistent with the values we made people for over 100 years understand.”


Baltimore's Catholic archdiocese will cut parishes as attendance falls and infrastructure ages  Under the final plan released Wednesday, the number of parishes will drop from 61 to 23 with 30 worship and ministry sites.


CEO of Google says it has no solution for its AI providing wildly incorrect information You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)


Trump’s Multiracial Working-Man Optimism Beats Biden’s Corrosive Anger And Resentment  Unlike Biden, Trump’s optimistic campaign speeches show a man who seems to love this country and want it to return to health.


Joe's Presidency in One Clip; 320 Million Dollar American Humanitarian Pier Has Broken Apart Already

The recovery operation has not gone well either, as "Another ship was then sent to try and extract the stuck vessel, but also got beached," Fabian writes.
   And yet a second US Army vessel also got stuck in shallow waters while trying to rescue the pier section. Overnight US ships had been moving two pieces of the floating pier to the Port of Ashdod in southern Israel when the now beached section detached and drifted away. American troops can be seen in footage standing helplessly on the beach.


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