Sunday, July 07, 2024

Newslinks: July 7, 2024

Look at San Francisco to understand what the leftist future holds for America  This is what leftism does: It destroys things. And since 2009, with only the briefest of intermissions during Trump’s presidency, the left has been bringing to America what the Democrats have brought to San Francisco (and Oakland).
   We have a very small window of time, not just to stop what’s happening but also to destroy it, root and branch. If we just prune the policies, the Marxist plants will still be there, growing and growing, and they will take over America, reducing us to leftist rubble. The true believers think that a socialist paradise will grow from that rubble. Wise people know, though, that all that will be left is a Mad Max hellscape.


Either Biden is senile or he is not. And it does not take an expert in Russian relations, systemic racism or Covid biology to tell the answer to that question. Any child could do it.


HuffPo Encourages Biden Campaign To Openly Push Disinformation Using AI  In a bizarre op-ed, Huffington Post writer Kaivan Shroff suggested that the President Joe Biden and his campaign should consider using artificial intelligence to dupe the American people into voting for him.
   It is “the greatest moral and ethical imperative for those who care about American democracy” to defeat former President Donald Trump, he opined.
   As a result, the ends justified the means, even if that entailed continuing the campaign’s ongoing efforts to gaslight low-information voters into thinking Biden is fitter and healthier than he is, but with additional assistance from AI to more “effectively reach the voting public.”

US Mainstream Media Await New Orders Now Their Big Lie About Biden Is Rumbled   Left out of all this is the state of the country. The focus at the moment is on Biden the candidate, but it is Biden as President for the next six months that is far more worrying. The MSM and Democrat Party, however, cannot waste too much time on something as trivial as the state of the nation. Not when there is an election to win.


Vermont Foster Agency Accused of Discriminating Against Christian Families Opposed to 'Affirming' Trans Ideology in Children   The Vermont Department for Children and Families is facing a two-pronged attack over its alleged discrimination against Christian foster and adoptive parents opposed to transgender ideology. Two groups have accused the department of violating their clients’ rights by denying placements with families unwilling to support the social and medical transition of children.
   The Center for American Liberty (CAL) and the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) are separately challenging the department’s policy of not placing children with parents who refuse to “affirm” an LGBT identity generally, even if a given child is not LGBT.


Jewish Grandmother (88) of Israeli Politician Beaten by Arab Muslims in France (Video)   According to reports, two Arab men attacked the elderly woman while she was on her way to get blood tests. One of the assailants punched her in the face, breaking her teeth and knocking her to the ground. As she lay on the ground, the attacker continued to kick her in the back while shouting antisemitic slurs, including “Dirty Jew, dirty old lady, this is what you deserve.” The victim sustained injuries to her back, knees, shoulder, and right wrist, requiring medical treatment. She believes she was targeted because she was wearing a Star of David necklace.


Although higher interest rates and housing prices reduced mobility in 2022, the flight from progressive states far surpassed pre-pandemic levels. California lost nearly three times as much income in 2022 to other states as it did in 2019. New Jersey’s net income loss hit a record in 2022, largely owing to fewer New Yorkers moving across the Hudson River.


The Next Big Scam: Moderna's New mRNA Bird Flu 'Vaccine' and the Globalist Agenda  The parallels between the bird flu ‘vaccine’ push and the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ campaign reveal a coordinated effort to capitalize on health crises for profit and control



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