Friday, August 02, 2024

Newslinks: August 2, 2024

Eric Metaxas Reacts to 'Last Supper' Olympic Opening Ceremony

Leftism, of course, despises Judeo-Christian principles. However, because people must believe something (it’s hard-wired), leftism has substituted paganism in its place. The Paris Olympics celebrated these values with an intentional slur against Christianity while elevating paganism.
   First, despite all the lies about the parody of Da Vinci’s Last Supper, the creators themselves admitted what they were doing.
   Elevating paganism within a society leads to two other leftist shibboleths: Transgenderism and Earth worship.
   Regarding transgenderism, the same opening ceremony repeatedly showcased bizarre, non-heterosexual people and their behavior.


The terrorists who planned and executed 9/11 have not been "brought to justice." Not only are these three terrorists being allowed to live out their lives, but the nation behind the attacks has also gone unpunished and unnamed. The faction of the Saudi Arabian government that supported Osama bin Laden — even some members of the royal family — has yet to be called to account for their crimes. 
   That day is not likely to come, nor will the families receive any recompense for their suffering at the hands of Saudi nationals. The plea deals for the terrorists are just one more cut among many that the families of 9/11 victims must bear.


New York Supreme Court Rules Texas Can Continue Busing Migrants to Big Apple  This is the second court victory in as many days for Governor Abbott. On Tuesday, The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled that Texas can keep the buoys Governor Greg Abbott ordered installed in the Rio Grande, Breitbart Texas reported.
    “Biden tried to remove them. I fought to keep them in the water,” Abbott posted on social media. “That is exactly where they will stay.”


ESG Nightmare: The Targeting of Farmers and Ranchers in America’s Heartland   Congress must ensure the final Farm Bill explicitly rejects the fertilizer mandates that have wreaked havoc in other countries, or electrification directives that would impose crushing capital investment costs on farmers. Language in the legislation should specifically prohibit bureaucrats from extending CAFE standards to heavy trucks and farm equipment. Congress should draw lessons from the disastrously poor performance of government EV programs and avoid the inclusion of schemes designed to incentivize farmers to adopt costly and unproven technology.
    The Farm Bill is also an opportunity for Congress to prevent activists from using the legal system to force food producers into arbitrary net zero ESG commitments. Simply put, Americans cannot afford to allow the same ESG regime currently infecting corporate boardrooms to gain purchase on family farms. Congress must ensure that ESG and net zero climate initiatives are rejected.


Massachusetts Bill Would Eliminate ‘Mother’ And ‘Father’ From Birth Certificates  Rather than referencing the child’s “mother,” the bill will swap out the word for the phrasing “person who gave birth.” The word “father,” meanwhile, will be replaced with “other parent.” The words “paternity” will be replaced with “parentage” and “his,” in reference to the father, will be replaced with “their.” The bill goes even further to replace the words “man” and “woman” with “persons.”


Shocking new revelations about Google: 'They control billions of people' This used to be called the Free World. As long as people remember this, there is hope it can be worthy of that name once again. Big Tech is doing its best to make everyone forget this fact, forever.



No phones rule has engagement up, bad behavior down at East Jackson schools, leaders say  “No cell phones means engagement is up, and drama is down - exponentially,” Cook said. “When you take away that compulsion to access Snapchat and TikTok, kids find themselves having to concentrate and participate in some of these debates in the classroom. Students, staff and parents have appreciated it.”
    Using the district’s PowerSchool data center, school officials tracked a nearly 40% decrease in behavioral referrals in 2023-24 compared to previous years, which Cook attributes largely to taking cell phones out of the classroom. Instances of bullying have also fallen with social media apps being used less during school hours, he said.


Another Big Pharma company also eventually acknowledged that its jabs, which were meant to "cure" COVID-19, are also contaminated with cancer-causing DNA fragments. In the documentation to regulatory bodies, Pfizer omitted information about the presence of Simian Virus 40 sequences in its vaccine.
    The documentation suggests that there are certain DNA sequences present in the vials that are normally not allowed in anything that is going to go into humans, "not the least of which is an antibiotic resistance gene," Malone explained.



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