Sunday, August 04, 2024

Newslinks: August 4, 2024

Protests became violent in at least 11 British cities as armed gangs of Muslims were filmed roaming the streets in Manchester, Stoke on Trent, Hull and Southend-on-Sea.
While the System Media blamed Tommy Robinson’s “English Defence League” for the riots, which has been defunct for 10 years while Tommy pursues a career as documentarian and journalist, the media were silent on the bands of armed militants calling themselves “Muslim Defence League.”

The British people’s pushback against unlimited immigration has begun Nor have Brits failed to note that, in their urban area, immigrant populations are responsible for a great deal of the crime that occurs in what was once a remarkably crime-free Europe. They’ve also noticed, after the sex exploitation scandal in Rotherham, that Muslim and immigrant crime in Britain often goes unreported for reasons of political correctness.)
    All of the above is a necessary set-up to understand what’s happening in Great Britain and Ireland, which is that ordinary people are taking to the streets to go after all foreigners, and Muslims are mobilizing to engage in full-out warfare with the English.


The last time the unemployment rate was this high was in October 2021.
   The biggest takeaway from the latest report is that the Sahm Recession Indicator—the most accurate recession indicator in history—was triggered, as the three-month moving average of the national unemployment rate has risen more than 0.5 percentage points compared to the minimum of the three-month average over the previous year.
   “With today's terrible jobs report and another big smackdown of stocks, it certainly looks like the U.S. economy is standing on the front-end of a recession,” Larry Kudlow reported Friday on Fox Business.


Much like our froggy friends, the British people are being gradually induced into a dangerous “new normal”, in which criminality, disorder, and personal tragedy are part and parcel of life in this country. As a result of our failed policies on crime, immigration, and integration over the past thirty years, we have gradually transitioned from one of the world’s safest societies to a country in which criminality is the norm. There is a risk that the public becomes used to this new reality, and stops expecting politicians to address the root causes of disorder.


“It happens every single election. They create a narrative that it’s over, that the Democrat’s going to win, that it’s hopeless for Republicans to do anything…. All I can say is, I warn you, this is Operation Demoralize and they’re very good at it, and it seems to be working.”



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