Tuesday, September 17, 2024

News and Views: September 16, 2024

Eight Hezbollah Operatives Dead, Thousands Injured When Their Pagers Explode at Nearly the Same Time   The apparent attack comes amid growing concerns that tensions along the Lebanese border are in danger of escalating, as the daily exchange of cross-border fire grows in intensity and efforts to strike a deal to pause the fighting in Gaza fail to bear fruit.
   Israel’s government is under increasing pressure to return tens of thousands of evacuees to their homes in the north by silencing Hezbollah’s rockets and drones. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Monday that dimming prospects for diplomacy were leaving military action as the only alternative.
   Hezbollah nodded to what it called threatening speeches and comments from Israel and said its forces were at the highest level of readiness to defend Lebanon. Image


‘You are free to assassinate Trump’: What alleged shooter Ryan Wesley Routh told Iran in book that laid bare manifesto  The man accused of attempting to assassinate Donald Trump at his golf club on Sunday had called on the Iranian regime to kill the former president in a book he self-published with his wife, Kathleen Shaffer.
    Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, apologizes to Iranians and said he blamed himself for having voted for Trump in 2016 in “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War,” a rambling account of his views on foreign affairs.

For the last eight years, we’ve been fed a steady diet of fright-words. “Far-right extremism.” “White Christian nationalism.” “Jim Crow 2.0.” “Fascism.” I foresee more dire commentary before November. “Trump is planning to suspend the Constitution.” “He’ll erect death camps for migrants.” “He’s Putin’s secret weapon to destroy America.”
  What accounts for the hysteria? No doubt there are many answers to this question.

Three Types of Assassination: The Desperate Effort to Eliminate Trump  Trump joined a rare and illustrious list of presidents or would-be presidents who faced assassination: Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, JFK, RFK, Reagan.  And even in this elite company, Trump showed his mettle by the instinctive way he responded to the assassin’s bullets.  Here, a single moment, Trump showed his true greatness and proved he has more genuine virtue and character than all his critics combined.

Charles C.W. Cooke Notices the 'Stochastic Terrorism' Crowd Is AWFULLY Quiet Today  For a period of time, the Left loved to scream 'Stochastic terrorism!' whenever someone to on the Right said or did anything they didn't like.


Watch: Resident Of PA Manufacturing Town Exposes Reality Of Haitian 'Great Job Replacement'   One of the biggest takeaways is that open southern borders and other ways to import migrants from third-world countries have not just been done for election purposes that favor Democrats but as a source of low-cost labor to mega-corporations as the great replacement of native-born workers with foreign-born workers plays out. Basically, the federal gov't and corporate America are selling out blue-collar workers for cheap migrants.
   Residents of Charleroi had no say in their beloved town, sold out by local, state, and federal politicians and possibly a network of taxpayer-funded NGOs who facilitated the migrant invasion. Corporate profits are certainly being prioritized over the native residents.


Ryun defines the administrative state, the national security state, and the Deep State as distinct entities reflecting varying degrees of power, privilege, secretiveness, and incompetence, but he recognizes all of these unelected factions as parts of the same beast: the Leviathan.  With that appellation, he refers to the political treatise Leviathan, from seventeenth-century philosopher Thomas Hobbes, whose inclination toward a strong, centralized government emerged during the chaos of the English Civil Wars.  In the Old Testament, Leviathan is a sea serpent and demon associated with the sin of envy.  The monster eats the souls of those who are damned because they remain too attached to the material world to reach God’s realm and receive His grace.  Although the biblical Leviathan epitomizes chaos, Hobbes used the idea of a terrifying creature composed of myriad souls as a metaphor for an all-powerful State constantly shaping citizens and feeding from their individual energies. Image


Canada’s assisted death rush is a grim warning: Starmer seems ready to fast-track euthanasia — but the danger of a slippery slope is all too real   In countries where assisted dying is legal, increasing numbers are requesting it because of depression or psychiatric problems. On the Free Press website, Stef Groenewoud, a Dutch healthcare ethicist, said more and more such cases were occurring where the psychiatric care professional seemed to give up on the patient. In 2022, the number of people being helped to end their lives in the Netherlands rose nearly 14 per cent to 8,720, more than 5 per cent of the total number of deaths. Theo Boer, a healthcare ethics professor who served from 2005 to 2014 on a euthanasia review board, said he saw Dutch euthanasia practice evolve from death being a last resort to death being a default option.


Payments just on the interest of America’s massive and ever-growing national debt have now topped $1 trillion. Half of our nation’s personal income taxes are just servicing our debt! The government drafts and approves and increases budgets and programs and agencies, but we don’t really have the money we’re spending. At some point, the system will collapse unless drastic cuts and reforms are enacted.


Over 100 suspected Tren de Aragua gangbangers were part of the massive migrant group that rushed the border  Following the March melee, a judge dismissed charges against 211 of the migrants accused of rioting and then Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) let dozens of them go free into the US.
   Since then, the gang has created footholds across the country, allegedly taking over apartments in Colorado, seizing hotels near the Texas border in El Paso and shooting cops in New York.

Border Patrol Now a 'Migrant Concierge Service,' Says Border Patrol Agent “I don’t want to bring people into the country. That’s not what I signed up to do,” said 31-year-old Zachary Apotheker, a four-year veteran of the Border Patrol.
   “I’m an apolitical person and I just want to do my job and protect this country,” the agent said, the New York Post. reported. “When I see people from another country coming here, getting resources beyond what the American citizen can get, that’s where I have to draw the line. And then they’re going out and committing crimes and we’re still not removing them and American citizens are being killed, women are being raped.”
   “However bad you think it is now, it’s only going to be worse,” he warned.

Sweden Is Considering Paying Immigrants Big Money to Leave the Country  The current coalition government, led by Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, came to power in 2022, promising to crack down on immigration. The onslaught of refugees has created both a crime problem and a strain on Sweden's already extensive welfare state, which is why the government wants to target immigrants for incentives to leave the country.
  “We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in our migration policy,” Migration Minister Johan Forssell said to reporters as he announced the new grant plan.


WHO approves mpox vaccine for babies without clinical trials  Hooker told The Defender: ‘The safety profile is abysmal in adults (up to 2.1 per cent serious cardiac events in clinical trials) and the vaccine has not been adequately tested for efficacy or safety in pediatric populations.
   ‘In other words, the WHO has no idea whether it will work nor do they know how much damage it will do. The WHO has again abandoned good public health principles and waved their magic vaccine wand on the mpox outbreak.’

Policy Shifts Against The mRNA Platform Rapidly Emerged This Past Week  Major Covid mRNA policy reversals and awakenings occurred this week within a major U.S health system, a large U.S state, a South American country, and in the UK. The dominoes are starting to fall. [Read it all]



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