Friday, September 06, 2024

News and Views: September 6, 2024

It's Spreading: America's Top Oil Field Terrorized By Armed Venezuelan Gangs  Armed illegal alien gangs are now posing a threat to critical energy infrastructure in the Permian Basin. The nation is sleepwalking into a disaster.
    Why isn't this considered a national security threat by the current administration? Of course it's because they caused it - plus, it's an election year.


Great Replacement Job Shock: 1.3 Million Native-Born Americans Just Lost Their Jobs, Replaced By 635,000 Immigrants   So if the true pace of job creation in the past year was 150K, and another 109K jobs per month are illegal aliens, that leaves just about 40K jobs for everyone else, i.e., law abiding Americans.
    It also means that, great worker replacement scandal aside, the labor market in the US has - for the past year - been an absolute catastrophe and harbinger of economic disaster.


The alternative possibility is that she hasn't got any real views of her own and just repeats whatever she's told to say. In 2019 that was far-left pablum about Medicare for All and fracking and in 2024 it's the opposite.


Trudeau is stacking the Senate with radical anti-Christian LGBT activists to cement his legacy  If current polling is any indication, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to lose the next federal election to Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre — but he will leave behind a Canada transformed. He will also leave his successor a nasty parting gift: an Upper House stacked to the rafters with progressive idealogues. Image


Pope Francis and Indonesian Grand Imam call for inter-religious action to fight 'climate change'   The Istiqlal Declaration calls on religious leaders to respond to the 'crises' of 'dehumanization and climate change' while also urging continued religious cooperation. Indonesia is characterized by a heavily Muslim population alongside a minority of Catholics.


New School course poses ‘(eco)feminism’ and ‘(eco)Marxism’ as ‘viable alternatives’ to capitalism   The course seeks to ‘substantiate viable alternatives and transformative paradigms like (eco)feminism,(eco)Marxism; postcolonialism, decolonialism, Indigenous, post-development, degrowth, post-extractivism, and environmental/climate justice.’ Image

“While President Trump can be thought of as a bad landlord, the Harris administration is a further step on the road to serfdom, a step toward totalitarianism, censorship, suppression, lawfare, and attacks on the affluent middle class,” he told The Fix.
    “Democrats are a passionate, indoctrinated mob that cares little for freedom,” Langbert said.


'Highly evolved' polio strain may have leaked from Chinese lab: study   'The findings underscore the shocking unsafe state of global virology research...'

-------------------------------- of my favorite comedians


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