Monday, September 09, 2024

News and Views: September 9, 2024

The Biden-Harris World Is Afire...A confused but also encouraged world of enemies watches the listless United States and wonders whether to try something stupid   In this widening vacuum, lots of foreign opportunists, outright enemies, and nihilists are seizing the day—on the assurance that Biden is not a lame duck, but a lame, lame duck, and Harris is a near functionary in search of an identity and an idea.


Judge in Trump Non-Disclosure and Records Case Sued for Hiding His Disclosures and Records  The America First Legal Foundation has filed a lawsuit against Merchan and the Ethics Commission for the New York State Unified Court System for access to Merchan's financial disclosures since 2018. 
    The legal foundation, founded by former Trump Administration insider Stephen Miller, has sought these disclosures since June and filed the lawsuit on Friday.


Recapping some of the most erroneous ‘climate change’ predictions Temperatures and sea levels have always changed cyclically and naturally without humans causing the change. It is pathetic that most of the media will just repeat the dire forecasts, no matter how wrong previous predictions have been, without asking questions or doing research. That makes them worthless propagandists. Human-caused climate change is the biggest scam of all time.


New California Law Will Require Cars to Beep When Traveling 10 Miles Over the Speed Limit   Violations of the law wouldn't carry just a fine. The state would consider speeding 10 MPH over the limit a crime.


More Fat Checks for NYC Illegal Migrants 
The deeper you dig into the details of this program, the more it stinks on ice. First of all, the public is being told that there is "no city funding allocated for this program" and the money is all coming from existing DHS funds. But DHS is the Department of Homeless Services. This may not be an allocation of "new funding," but it all still came from the taxpayers. Making matters worse, the DHS funding was supposed to be spent to assist homeless residents of New York City. So the money intended to care for and house legitimate homeless New Yorkers - including some veterans - is now being flushed down the rabbit hole to benefit the illegal migrants.


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