Saturday, September 21, 2024

News and Views: September 21, 2024

Students “will look at the history of family abolition and its threads through various other movements, examine variations in cultural models of family, and imagine new models of collective care together,” the course description states.

Does ‘No Contact’ Mean No Accountability? ...canceling family members But family estrangements go far beyond questionable mental health therapy: they’re becoming downright fashionable.
   Psychology Today reports that at least one in four people experience familial estrangement, with one in ten choosing to sever the parent/child bond.
   The worst part is that it’s turned into quite the fad.  You can find thousands of #nocontact videos on YouTube or TikTok reflecting the disturbing nature of the problem, including people who refuse to visit their dying parents.  That’s no isolated incident when you consider the 18,000 comments under this video from self-identifying “no contact children” who openly show contempt instead of compassion for that most sacred transition from life to death.


Unknown music composed by Mozart discovered in German library  The piece, which dates to the mid- to late-1760s, consists of seven miniature movements for a string trio. It lasts around 12 minutes, researchers with the Leipzig Municipal Libraries said in a statement.




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