Tuesday, May 28, 2024

NY Governor Hochul Quietly Grants Clemency to Murderers...more

Trans Activists Quietly Build ‘Gender-Affirming’ Monopoly On Centers For Abused Children   More broadly, states must address the danger at its root by enacting legislation clarifying that raising a child according to his or her biology is not “abuse.” Sage’s Law, named after a Virginia teen who suffered unthinkable abuse because of “affirming” activists in child protection systems, offers one model: “in no event shall referring to and raising the child in a manner consistent with the child’s biological sex, including related mental health or medical decisions, be considered abuse or neglect.” No child should ever be taken from or denied a loving home in the Orwellian name of “gender-affirming care.”


Study: The Amount of Copper Needed for EVs Is ‘Impossible for Mining Companies to Produce‘  The Michigan study highlights the fact that an EV requires three to five times more copper than traditional gas or diesel cars, not to mention the additional copper needed for upgrades to the electricity grid. As Professor Adam Simon from the University of Michigan points out, “A normal Honda Accord needs about 40 pounds of copper. The same battery electric Honda Accord needs almost 200 pounds of copper.” 


Letitia James Loses First Legal Battle After She Tries to Shut Down NY Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers  Now Thomas More Society attorneys have responded to a court order rejecting New York Attorney General Letitia James’ attempt to move litigation involving pregnancy help organizations to Manhattan from upstate New York. 


Male drag ‘artist’ dances for kids at Vatican’s World Children’s Day  Catholics have expressed horror after a male performance artist danced in drag for young children during Pope Francis’ first World Children’s Day this weekend. On May 25, Salerno native Carmine De Rosa performed as one of the official artists for the inaugural World Children’s Day. In his capacity as a quick-change artist or a living cartoon, De Rosa appeared as a woman, wearing multiple outfits in drag. He also used suggestive cardboard costumes. 


As noted above, Hochul has already granted clemency to more than seventy people since winning her first full term in office. She was bragging about having streamlined the state's clemency application website so they could be processed faster. New York City residents are already going berzerk over the number of people being randomly punched, mugged, raped, or being shoved in front of subway trains. Yet Hochul continues to prioritize putting more of them back out onto the streets. 


Denver police say DRONES will respond to 911 calls instead of cops  The law enforcement agency that was recently defunded by millions to pay for migrants is now launching its own drone program, along with other Colorado police departments.



Microbiologist Explains Why the Covid Jab Push Was So Successful


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