Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Making of a Banana Republic; Augustine’s Apocalypse—and Our Own...more

Now that the Rubicon has been crossed and we have entered a world in which politicians attempt to not merely defeat their opposition at the ballot box but also prosecute and incarcerate them, there is no going back. Just as Senate Democrats’ November 2013 invocation of the “nuclear option” to end the filibuster for lower-court nominees directly led to Republicans doing the same for Supreme Court nominees just a few years later, so too is it impossible to know what may ultimately come from the lawfare precedent Democrats are setting today.


It's as an apocalyptic theologian that Augustine provides his most important political lessons for our times. Like Augustine's late Roman world, ours is rife with apocalyptic agitations. We face a climate apocalypse, a political apocalypse (democracy will end in 2024, no matter who's elected), a technological apocalypse, a pandemic apocalypse, and, for the old-fashioned, a nuclear Armageddon, each of which and all together elicit dread of The Very End. In a sense, the dread is rational. If you think the Big Story of the world is liberalism or Enlightenment or the march of science or America, the erosion of those institutions and values is truly the end of all things. First Things


We all feel like orphans, like castaways, like rejects, like failures. We feel unwanted and unloved. Coming to Christ and accepting his love and forgiveness is the first step in being healed of these deep wounds and painful experiences. In Christ, we are NO LONGER ORPHANS!


Biden reportedly delayed saying he withheld arms from Israel until after Holocaust speech  “What is so egregiously offensive is that Biden thought that his antisemitism and Holocaust speech would make his abandonment of Israel more tolerable,” wrote  Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.


The Discovery Of ‘Mass Graves’ Of Indigenous Canadian Children Was Actually A Massive Hoax   Three years after reports of indigenous mass graves triggered the torching or vandalism of 85-plus churches, no graves have been found. Image


New genome testing company helps customers weed out babies with imperfect genetics  Orchid Health allows parents to selectively discard their IVF-created babies like medical waste if they show any sign of potential health problems, in what might be the purest distillation of the evil ushered into the world by the Sexual Revolution



A Week of Rapid-Fire Solar Flares


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