Friday, June 14, 2024

Newslinks: June 14, 2024

Italian Paper Reports on Videos of Joe Biden’s Declining Health, ‘Rigid Movements’ 


Social security payments expected to face ‘steep cuts’ in just a few short years The head actuaries for Social Security and Medicare testified before a House panel on Thursday about the two safety net programs’ looming financial woes that could see key trust funds depleted in roughly a decade, which would leave beneficiaries facing a benefit cut if the funding gap isn’t resolved by Congress.
Trustees for Social Security and Medicare recently released a report that looked at the health of the key trust funds that found that key trust funds are on pace to be depleted in roughly a decade. When that happens, those programs would only be able to pay out what they receive through incoming payroll tax receipts, meaning benefits would be automatically cut under current law.




The Biden Assault on Grand Canyon University...The administration is abusing its power to punish an institution it dislikes.  Why the blatant animosity from the Biden administration? The apparent reason is that GCU is unabashedly traditionalist and Christian in its orientation, which makes it an attractive target for zealots who object to schools that are not on the “progressive” bandwagon.
The ED’s actions against GCU led the Goldwater Institute to file a freedom of information request, seeking any documents that would shed light on the targeting of the school and the unprecedented fine against it. As Goldwater attorney Stacey Skankey points out here, “By comparison, the Department assessed a mere $2.4 million fine against Penn State for failing to report the crimes of serial pedophile Jerry Sandusky.” Image


If Biden and his handlers have taught us anything, human nature cannot be fooled, and the current four-year experiment will have to end before it ends us—and soon.


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