Sunday, June 16, 2024

Newslinks: June 16, 2024

Men, in particular, must become stronger defenders of their faith.  It is no coincidence that those who work to destroy society routinely attack Christianity and masculinity.  Both are threats to a communist State.  A Christian stands against any government that insists on usurping God.  A man stands against any government that threatens his family.  An unyielding and courageous Christian man, then, is a ferocious enemy to Marxist globalism.  Consequently, “Christian nationalism” and the dreaded “patriarchy” are two of the propaganda media’s most targeted bugaboos.

There is a rhetorical war right now on familial and spiritual fatherhood.  Men are told that they have no right to object to abortion.  They are told that physical displays of chivalry are outdated and “toxic.”  They are told to shut up, sit down, and get out of the way.  Television commercials and shows routinely portray men as clumsy, ignorant, and misguided.  Movies pretend that families are better off without fathers.  Celebrities fantasize about a world without men.


Hundred Scottish churches up for sale as UK turns away from Christianity The Church of Scotland is selling 100 historic buildings to free up funds after a drastic decline in the number of worshippers and ministers.
    Churches, plots of land and former council houses, some dating back to the 1700s, have been listed for sale at prices ranging from £35,000 in what the Church has described as a “painful” move.
    The institution said financial pressures have forced it to make “difficult” decisions on its future, adding it now owns “far more [churches] than is required”.


“This was their entire strategy to confine President Trump to a courtroom for hours a day, four days a week. And while that was happening, he was raising more money than them. In the month of April, President Trump raised more than Joe Biden and the Democrats for the first time in this race. After the shameful verdict came out, President Trump raised $53 million in 24 hours, and the most remarkable part about that was 30 percent of those donors were new donors to our campaign — into any political campaign,” she said, describing these as Americans who came out of the woodwork “because people are fed up.”


US Navy Finally Takes Action in Yemen Against Houthis, Destroying Their Radar Capabilities  The U.S. military, specifically the Navy, has swung into action over the Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen's continued reckless attacks against foreign vessels, after many months of giving them free rein to terrorize whomever they please in the Red Sea.


Strikingly, since this year’s 2024 National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day, no mainstream media outlet has been curious enough to publish a story about the event and the mass student absences that ensued.
Why could that be?


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