Thursday, June 13, 2024

Newslinks: June13, 2024

Redfield discussed government “overreach,” how they took advantage of pandemic uncertainty to demand ever more harmful mandates.
   “Was there overreach by the government, I think there’s no question about it,” Redfield said. “I might even argue it got worse in the Biden administration. For example, absolutely never should have mandated vaccines, period. Terrible decision. These vaccines do not prevent infection.” 


Muslim Immigrants to French Farmers: ‘We’re Here To Kill The Whites’ The mass assault on unarmed French farmers became the focus of outrage, the event fueling demands for curbing Muslim immigration.

The new woke jihadi movement is instead focused only on Israel and “Palestine.” It is oblivious to the modern gruesome Muslim-on-Muslim exterminations of Bashar el-Assad and Saddam Hussein, the Black September massacres of Palestinians by Jordanian forces, and the 1982 erasure of thousands in Hama, Syria.
    So woke jihadism is not an ecumenical concern for the oppressed, the occupied, the collateral damage of war, or the fate of refugees. Instead, it is a romanticized and repackaged anti-Western, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic jihadism that supports the murder of civilians, mass rape, torture, and hostage-taking.

The situation is dire since lacking affordable, efficient public transportation, businesses will hire fewer workers, and thus be forced to cut back, close, or leave the city, and this may devastate the already struggling office building market while destroying the retail that depends on these daily workers. Foreclosures and bankruptcies will soar, and reduced taxes mean less money for police, schools, social services, sanitation and all else that makes the city livable. The doom loop may begin.


Putin To Arrive In North Korea As Kim Hails "Invincible Comrades-in-Arms"   As G7 leaders who are to meet in Italy this week prepare expanded sanctions on Russia, President Vladmir Putin is soon expected in North Korea. Kim Jong Un on Wednesday hailed his country's ties with Moscow, calling the two powers which actually share a tiny far eastern border "invincible comrades-in-arms".


South Florida Submerged Under Nearly 2 Feet of Water  DEVELOPING STORY: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency across South Florida after a rare extreme flooding event. Nearly two feet of rain fell swamping many cities from Miami to Sarasota. Hundreds of motorists were stranded and a large swath of Interstate 95 was shut down.


All eight men crossed through the southern border into the U.S., and their criminal backgrounds checks came back clean when they crossed, say two officials familiar with the matter. Image

Hamas-Supporting Anti-Semites Are Somehow Getting Even More Brazen and Vile  Well, let's check in on what just happened in New York City, where Hamas supporters protested an exhibit dedicated to the victims of the Nova music festival, where terrorists from Gaza slaughtered hundreds of innocent people.  Yes, they descended upon the location of an exhibit honoring victims of a mass murder to intimidate those who visited and to celebrate the mass murder.


Anti-Catholic drag queens infamous for lewd and blasphemous displays are scheduled to read to little kids at a library event this Pride month.


Russian Nuke Ships Are 90 Miles Away From Florida. What Could Go Wrong?  The ghost of the Cuban Missile Crisis has reared its ugly nuclear head roughly 60 years after JFK stared down the Soviets back in October 1962.

How Chinese Ownership Of U.S. Land Threatens National Security As the specter of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan looms, the need to safeguard America’s interests and defend against external threats has never been more pressing.

As nations around the world shudder at a new flood of cheap Chinese manufactured goods, the port could open new markets for its electric vehicles and other exports. China is already the top trade partner for most of South America.

Students who invaded Stanford president’s office and injured cop slapped with felony charges  On Wednesday, the protesters forcefully entered the building that serves as the office of Stanford’s president and provost. The activists, who included 11 current students, left graffiti throughout the Main Quad before barricading themselves in the office building, such as “Death 2 US,” “F*** Amerikkka,” and “Kill Cops.”



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