Tuesday, August 20, 2024

News and Views: August 20, 2024

The Vendée: We are trapped in a Vendée of the spirit. Those in authority—culturally, economically, and politically—want us dead, along with everyone and everything we hold dear   Our local newspaper reads like a Democratic Party newsletter. Within a mile of my home are three mainline Protestant Churches, with permanent signs using Gay Pride/Rainbow Coalition colors and Woke slogans like “Fight Racism” and calls for “Equity,” “Inclusion,” and “Social Justice.” There are also signs for special events like “Solidarity with Palestine” and “BLM” rallies. (These are all churches whose ministers used to lecture us about how scary the “Radical Religious Right” was because it mixed politics and religion.)
    I’ve written about how all the institutions in our community that shape opinion have gone over to the left. We know that our schools and colleges have become P.C. Corporations and not-for-profits have followed suit. Federal and state bureaucracies have also succumbed. Even local ones have too, e.g. my county government now has its own D.E.I. office. Image

As president, she would inevitably revert to her consistent earlier advocacies. And they range from federal gun confiscation and nullifying (“snatching”) private enterprise patents to controlling not only food prices but also wages that she deems not meeting her standards of “gender equity”.
    At long last, can’t we take away the projection, the hypocrisy, and the concealment of one’s real positions, not to mention all the past collusion, disinformation, and lawfare, and just let the people decide whether they really want to return to the leftist vision of America as fundamentally flawed, inherently racist, and in desperate need of corrective illiberalism?


The Church of England has apparently joined the pronoun movement. Of course, none of this should come as a surprise to anyone, but it is still a shame. According to a report in the Telegraph, the Church has decided to stop using the word "church" in order to be more modern. I don't know what word they will use. Lodge? Club? Association? The Loyal Order of Water Buffalos?


Pro-Life Activist Awarded £13K After Arrests for Praying at Abortion Clinic  Commenting on her £13,000 payout from the police on Monday, the activist said: “Silent prayer is not a crime. Nobody should be arrested merely for the thoughts they have in their heads – yet this happened to me twice at the hands of the West Midlands Police, who explicitly told me that ‘prayer is an offence’.


The Lord said go forth and multiply, He did not mean do your math homework. That Democrats offer free vasectomies and abortions at their convention shows which side they are on.
They are after your children.

Officials have now located the birth mother of the deceased newborn.
   The birth mother informed investigators that around Sunday morning, she was suffering from stomach pain and gave birth before fainting. She reported that once she woke up, she realized the baby was unresponsive and dead.
   She also admitted to investigators that she was scared and discarded the newborn boy in the trash.
   Officials say they have not yet determined if the infant was born alive or stillborn.


A financial analyst I follow on Twitter/X, Robert Sterling, says everyone should calm down about Kamala’s grocery price controls idea. It’s actually worse than you think.

Top Obama Economist Slams Kamala’s Pricing Policies as ‘Not Sensible.’  What Furman details is a scenario that has played out in other countries that have engaged in aggressive price controls, which resulted in a drastic reduction in available food supplies. This has resulted in so-called breadlines in countries like Venezuela and the former Soviet Union.

Kamala Harris Wants To Impose A Soviet-Style Medical System On Americans With  Medicare for All, Washington would credential and license care providers — and punish those deemed miscreant, or worse, spreaders of “disinformation.” Anyone who was involved in the censorship, canceling, and devastating mandates imposed during the Covid scam shudders at such anti-patient, anti-scientific federal tyranny.

American Peronism-Kamala Harris' Radical Left Plan To Ruin America  Price controls, higher taxes, government intervention, and subsidies paid for by printing a constantly devalued currency. 
These are the essential pillars of “21st century socialism” and the radical left Peronism that obliterated Argentina. These are also the main elements of the economic plan presented by Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. Undoubtedly, this is the most radical socialist economic plan ever announced by the Democrats.

Tim Walz’s church membership, at both the parish and the national levels, coheres with his personal beliefs and political achievements. The first Lutheran to run for vice president is indeed as progressive as the church to which he belongs. He is not the kind of Lutheran I would like to see pursuing that high office.



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