Thursday, August 22, 2024

News and Views: August 22, 2024

Kamala’s ‘Duality Of Democracy’ Word Salad Is Worse Than You Think  Harris was widely mocked for another attempt to sound insightful, which she repeated ad nauseam, a line about about “What can be, unburdened by what has been.”

'Absolutely Disgusting': Pro-Life Democrats Might Leave Party Over DNC Abortion Van  “I think this convention is going to be abortion-palooza."


Ours is an age when so much of our culture encourages us to treat others made in God’s image as less than human. This is true, from the comparatively trivial trashing of others that is the favored idiom of those who seem to live online, to those at the DNC in Chicago this week, exulting in the slaughter of innocents. Our problem is thus much deeper than disenchantment. It is desecration. We need not re-enchantment so much as repentance. But that requires grown-ups.  [Trueman-First Things] Image

But Conservatives Are 'Weird'? School Board Meeting Goes Viral For All the Worst Reasons  Video from a recent local school board meeting in Wisconsin is making waves across the internet as a clear indicator of who, exactly, is trying to control what your kids learn in school.


Who Is ‘Destroying Democracy in Darkness?’  Have those who lectured us about democracy in danger now decided to save it by destroying it? (Hanson)   Add up the last decade’s purchased collusion caper, unprecedented two impeachments, orchestrated disinformation hoax, efforts to de-ballot Trump, warping of the legal system to jail him and destroy his candidacy, forced removal of an unpopular but unwilling President Biden from the Democrat ticket, virtual anointing of Harris by fiat in his place, and the current collusion with a compliant media to avoid public scrutiny and cross-examination of Harris.
And the conclusion?
Have those who lectured us about democracy in danger now decided to save it by destroying it?


Northern Border Apprehensions Surge, Border Patrol Struggling Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, America’s borders have essentially been erased. The pretense of a border crackdown fools no one living in reality. Image


‘Recession May Have Already Begun’: Biden Admin Admits It Overestimated Employment By Nearly 1 Million Jobs   Wednesday’s downward revision has also heightened concern that the Federal Reserve has waited too long to begin cutting interest rates, Bloomberg reported. If the FOMC hesitates to cut rates for too long, it could result in recession instead of a soft landing — an economic slowdown in which inflation is brought down without causing recession.


UMass will teach 'rich tradition' of 'transnational Black feminist' and 'queer Marxist theorizing'  UMass Amherst is offering a course this fall called, 'Geographies of the ‘Imaginaire’: Blackness, Worldmakings & Intersectional Future.'
The course will 'explore spatiality of African descendant people in the United States and in the larger Black diaspora, rethinking power, society & culture, knowledge production, and social movement through Blackness.'

Campus Cry-Bullies For Palestine Object to New Conduct Rules   “A lot of what is going on is not actually free expression, it’s intimidation. When you use a bullhorn inside a building, you’re not doing it to express yourself, you’re doing it to intimidate other people,” he said. “People who are complaining about these rules, for the most part, are people who want to intimidate others.”


As CAI’s report notes, the scope of DEI in the Department of Defense stretches from the highest echelons of command down to the unit level through a “vast DEI bureaucracy.” The report asserts, “DEI carries inherently negative messages about Western civilization generally, and about the United States and its people specifically.” These teachings are at odds with the oath all service members take to support and defend the Constitution.
  America’s military should instead be focusing on educating service members in the fundamentals of U.S. history and civics, critical thinking, the art and science of war, strategy, etc. Yet the U.S. Naval War College organizes an annual “Women, Peace, and Security” symposium that has devolved into an identity-centric confab divorced from military imperatives. It also recently hosted a transgender active-duty Space Force officer who leads the branch’s “LGBTQ+ Initiatives Team” and spoke of how DEI (allegedly) advances retention. Read it all... Image


Justin Welby has gone off the Church of England reservation with little hope of return  The Archbishop of Canterbury's evangelical credentials, earned through his association with Holy Trinity Brompton and Alpha have completely disappeared in a flurry of woke issues which have decimated the Church of England bringing it to the brink of schism.
   Six issues have haunted him, costing him and the church deeply, resulting in a near total breakdown of the institution, making it even more irrelevant than it has overwhelmingly become to the British public. Image



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