Wednesday, August 21, 2024

News and Views: August 21, 2024

This year, a Gallup poll found that only three in 10 Americans say they attend religious services every week (21%) or almost every week (9%), while 11% report attending about once a month. Most Americans say they seldom (56%) or never (25%) attend religious services.
   According to the Pew Research Center, there are three exceptions to these numbers: Mormons (LDS), Pentecostals and Muslims do not seem to share in the general decline of religion in the United States.
   What is the cause of this decline? The short answer is a lack of new converts.


'You guys have no idea how painful it is to … be forced to watch it all unravel'  The reason everyone on Earth wants to move here is because if you squint your eyes, this country still basically “looks” the same, is still powerful, etc.
   But we are running on the fumes of the past.
   Paradise is no longer paradise after the barbarians rape, burn, and pillage everything not nailed down. And I’m talking about the barbarians in DC, not the ones galloping over the border.


DNC Day 2 Doesn't Start Well: Dems Butcher National Anthem, Protesters Make It Inside the Convention The Republican National Convention seemed very uplifting and unified. 
The DNC, on the other hand, seems like a cringey, discordant mess. Joe Biden's speech and how he was shunted out of primetime lent to that sense of chaos. Some speakers just went on and on, and the officials appeared to schedule too many things for the evening, so they had to cut out some people like musician James Taylor. But some thought that the plan may have been to bury Biden's speech late in the evening, so people couldn't see it.

Rose’s post read, “Planned Parenthood staff is saying that on the first day of the DNC, they did ten free abortions. Ten helpless babies have been sacrificed so far at the DNC death cult. There are no words to express the sheer horror.”

A Harris-Walz presidency would be noteworthy not simply for the extremity of their abortion and gender policies, but also for the fanatical zealousness with which they pursue them. With no close contender, theirs would be the most anti-life, anti-woman, and anti-family presidency in the history of the country. Unborn and unwanted newborn children would be exterminated. Women would be reduced to objects for the sexual satisfaction of men. Women-only spaces would be eradicated. And parents would lose authority over the medical care of their own children. [First Things]

The DNC's Bizarre Segregation Continues With Prayer Rooms  This is hardly the only bizarre way in which Democrats have treated prayer this week. Cardinal Blase Cupich, of the Archdiocese of Chicago, gave an invocation on Monday night at the DNC. He did so without mentioning the name of Jesus, though, and with his cross hidden.

The pro-death religion being seen so clearly at the DNC should be enough to convince any sensible person, any moral person, and certainly any Christian, what a demonised group of people these really are. Cheering, celebrating and promoting the murder of millions of children comes straight out of the pits of hell. That and the push for all things homosexual and transgender is also something we could be discussing here.


A tax of this nature creates a vacuum that does nothing but suck the vibrancy out of an economy. In addition to setting a new moral hazard standard, the tax directly targets the people with the most capital at work in our country. By specifically targeting the people that have the means to create new enterprises and invest using this capital, and then driving them out of the country, the tax is a surefire way to suck the lifeblood out of what’s left of the United States economy.
   Make no mistake: it will be a clarion call for billionaires to simply move out of the United States and into tax havens.

“A blast from a failed socialist past.” “Economically dumb.” “Gimmicks.” “Will drive up prices.” “Not sensible policy.” “Hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is.”

The government’s figures for job growth over the past year are set to be significantly revised down, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Wednesday.


Chipmaker Microchip reveals cyber attack whacked manufacturing capacity- Defense contractor gets hacked  US semiconductor manufacturing firm Microchip Technology has revealed an "unauthorized party disrupted the Company's use of certain servers and some business operation."
   A Tuesday filing explains that on August 17 it "detected potentially suspicious activity involving its information technology systems."
   An investigation followed, and on August 19 that effort yielded evidence of the unauthorized access. The company took actions including isolating the relevant systems, shutting down others, and calling in external cyber security advisors to understand the extent of the mess.


Andy Beshear Hopes Somebody Rapes J.D. Vance's Wife or Daughter The Democrat Party is filled with trash people. 
     That's not to say every Democrat is trash; just an abnormally large number of them are disgusting, nasty, vile, hateful liars whose fondest wish is to harm people they disagree with.


An explosion of violent crime in the United Kingdom has made England and Wales into what one economist calls "the rape capital of Europe by a sizeable margin."
   The figures are "pretty grim," according to UK economist and podcast host Philip Pilkington. "Looks like Britain is becoming a pretty unsafe place."


Urgent DHS Report: Over 30K Migrant Kids Missing, At High Risk For Trafficking [VIDEO]   The report, titled “Management Alert – ICE Cannot Monitor All Unaccompanied Migrant Children Released from DHS and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Custody,” was sent to Congress on Tuesday by the DHS’s internal watchdog.
   The interim report highlights a significant issue in ICE’s ability to monitor the whereabouts and status of unaccompanied minors after they are released from government custody.


Scientists claim the Turin Shroud can be dated back to the time of Jesus' life  A Wide-Angle X-ray scattering technique was used to re-date the shroud

'Vaccines' Are 'Far More' Dangerous than Covid, Study Warns  A major new study has finally confirmed that the Covid mRNA vaccines are “far more” dangerous than the virus they are supposed to protect people from.
   The explosive study concludes that the “overall risks greatly outweigh theoretical benefits”
   The bombshell findings of the study were published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.



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