Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Newslinks: August 6, 2024


Cross to Crescent: The Quiet Islamic Conquest of American Churches and Christians The contrasting fortunes of Christian churches and Islamic mosques in the U.S. reflect broader societal shifts. As traditional Christian congregations shrink, Islamic centers are expanding, both in size and number. This trend has significant cultural and societal implications, suggesting a gradual shift in the nation’s religious fabric.

Moreover, the influence of foreign funding on mosque growth raises important questions about national sovereignty and security. While religious freedom is a cornerstone of American values, substantial foreign investments in Islamic centers necessitate transparency and scrutiny.

For Muslims, building a mosque is not just a matter of finding a place of worship; it is a theological statement of Islam’s hegemony. Mosques are Beachheads, staging points for wars of Islamic conquest. The conversion of churches into mosques is seen as a sign of Islam’s victorious advance and success, symbolizing its superiority over other religions. This is particularly evident when a church, a symbol of Christianity, is transformed into a mosque. Image


Julie Burchill, the veteran British columnist, contributed a clear-eyed commentary on these events to the New York Sun. “Vast levels of immigration — bringing cheap labor for the rich and decreased wages for the poor — is at the core of much of this anger,” she explained, adding that the situation “is exacerbated by the two-tier policing we have had for some time here. When non-whites riot, police tend to retreat, whereas when whites riot, police tend to charge.”

“Now I don’t need to tell you that this is Britain. In two tier policing, which many of us have been pointing out for years has become visible to millions more during the current violent disorder and indeed Keir’s response to it.”

“But as I hope my scenario makes clear it is not just about policing, the fact is what we have now is a two-tier society, a two-tier government, a two-tier mainstream media, a two-tier liberal establishment, all of them treat our anger, our concerns as proof of our inherent bigotry, our innate badness. We are indeed therefore to be managed and handled.”

“Furthermore the left that controls much of our culture and our institutions never ever give an inch. They are incapable of even considering a let alone discussing that there might be grounds for concern. They concede no ground themselves, they admit no points because to do so would see their entire ideological universe collapse.”


The scary thing here is that if that many people think the First Amendment goes too far, then it’s only a matter of time before we start seeing speech control. Our system no longer has any of the controls meant to prevent this sort of thing beyond the judicial branch itself.
   And considering how some judges contort themselves, I fear that the days of our republic are numbered unless we do something.
   I fear that the Second Amendment is going to be needed. Image


Foreign Ministry responds to UN probe which acknowledged that UNRWA employees may have been involved in October 7 massacre  “In addition to the nine employees that the UN's investigative team determined were involved in the October 7 massacre, other workers - about whom the team claimed there was insufficient evidence - were also involved in the massacre. They are members of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and the UN must fire them immediately and not sweep the issue under the rug.”
    “But the phenomenon is much more serious: many hundreds of UNRWA employees are Hamas and PIJ operatives,” the Foreign Ministry continued.


DeSantis scathes Harris running mate Tim Walz, governor who oversaw ‘ground zero’ of 2020 riots    Minnesota, home to Minneapolis, was a major location for the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 after the death of George Floyd.
  “Harris-Walz: most left-wing ticket in American history,” DeSantis said. “Minnesota was ground zero for the BLM riots of 2020. Harris egged it on and Walz sat by and let Minneapolis burn.”

New Kamala Harris Running Mate Tim Walz Signed Bill for Abortions Up to Birth  “Gov. Walz’s absolutist abortion policy puts Minnesota in the company of just a small handful of countries around the world, including North Korea and China. It is extreme, inhumane, and harmful to women and children who deserve so much better.”
   Walz signed the bill despite polls showing Minnesota did not want unlimited abortions.


Another J6 Lie Goes Into the Wood Chipper With the Release of Secret Service Report   “We asked [redacted] agents whether the president reached for the steering wheel of the limousine or lunged toward the detail lead when his request to go to the Capitol was denied, and witnesses said those actions did not occur,” notes the report.


Pentagon Abandons $110 Million Military Base As African Regime Takes Over   Opened in 2019, Air Base 201 cost the Pentagon $110 million to build and $30 million annually to maintain, according to Defense News. The base played a pivotal role for U.S. forces working in coordination with Niger’s army in fighting against terror networks including al Qaeda and the Islamic State, both of which maintain a sweeping presence in the violent Sahel region, according to The Wall Street Journal.


More greenie Olympic FAILS: worms in food, meat airlifts, athlete camping out in public park  They want this stuff for all of us, the Olympic athletes are just their guinea pigs for show. They want us to swim in sewers, return to pre-industrial era absence of air conditioning, live like bums sleeping in cardboard boxes in public parks, go meat-free without choice, and eat repulsive protein sources, all in the name of saving the planet.
   They want us living in mud huts and returning to a state of primitivism, while they continue to dine and live in luxury, with all of those luxuries we once enjoyed as a matter of course.


Under the skin is the final authoritarian frontier; as many have noted before, if you don’t have control over what is injected into your body, you don’t have freedom in any meaningful sense of the word.


Progressive Dems In Michigan Tell Undercover Journo They Were 'Ballot Harvested' Out Of Office By Muslim Voter Fraud Network   Following a five month investigation in Hamtramck after the newly-elected Muslim leadership banned the LGBTQ pride flag on city property, Project Vertias spoke with dozens of locals, including Democrat officials and liberal activists, who described how Muslim politicians are using illegal ballot harvesting operations to secure permanent power. Of note, ballot harvesting is illegal under Michigan law.

Meet the Little-Known Activist Group That Has Tens of Thousands of Doctors Registering Patients To Vote   Doctors have used Vot-ER’s tools to register patients in cancer hospitals, emergency rooms, substance abuse clinics, and palliative care departments. Some have even registered the parents of newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit, where infants in critical condition receive care.
    The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Nurses Association, and the Association of American Medical Colleges suggest that clinicians ask patients whether they plan to vote. So does the Department of Health and Human Services, which encourages federally funded health centers to provide "voter registration activities" to "underserved populations."


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