Monday, September 30, 2024

News and Views: September 30, 2024

Verizon customers report widespread outages, with mobile phones limited to SOS mode As of 10:11 a.m. ET, more than 100,000 reports of Verizon outages had been logged with DownDetector, a site that tracks service outages for telecommunications providers, websites and other businesses. 
   Outages were reported from New York to Los Angeles, with the main complaint linked to lack of service on customers' mobile phones.


Hurricane Helene death toll nears 100 as services rushed to communities isolated by massive storm    At least 91 people across several states were killed. A North Carolina county that includes the mountain city of Asheville reported 30 people killed.
Gov. Roy Cooper predicted the toll would rise as rescuers and other emergency workers reached areas isolated by collapsed roads, failing infrastructure and widespread flooding.


The East Coast Port Strike Could Throw U.S. Supply Chains Into a State of Chaos  If the strike only lasts for a few days, it won’t really be a big deal. But if it is an extended strike, major retailers such as Walmart and Home Depot will be facing massive supply chain headaches…


Illegal Immigration Fueling Oil Theft in Permian Basin-The new Wild West: 30,000 barrels of liquid gold have been stolen since 2022.   The Permian Basin, straddling Texas and New Mexico, is the world’s most extensive oil field, accounting for over 40% of the nation’s petroleum production. It has also been in the Biden administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory crosshairs, as the agency flew helicopters over the area, supposedly looking for “methane super-emitters.”
   Over the past few years, it has also become a rich target for organized crime, as truckloads of liquid gold have regularly been siphoned off.

Democrats Suddenly Care About Illegal Immigration After Years Of Gaslighting Americans   The progressive model of immigration allows any illegal alien to declare that they come from an oppressive or dangerous nation without evidence, and they can stay in the US for years while their cases are reviewed by immigration courts.  During this time illegals have access to a multitude of welfare programs and handouts.  Some states are even offering home loans to non-citizens.  The vast majority of illegals take advantage of these programs while also working under the table.  Even if they are eventually removed from the US, they have already squeezed US taxpayers for thousands of dollars in goodies.   
    Democrats have widely supported this model and their motives are obvious, they intend to eventually offer these people mass citizenship in the hopes of buying off tens-of-millions of future voters.  Fact checkers continue to lie about the number of illegals entering the US; they claim that border encounters and apprehensions are not the same as border entries.  However, current Biden policies allow for the majority of these immigrants to enter the US under unconfirmed amnesty claims - They are not shipping the migrants back.


Kamala Harris Would Sign Measure Forcing Unlimited Abortions Across America  On Wisconsin Public Radio, the vice president remarked that getting rid of the Senate’s filibuster rule could potentially allow for the passage of legislation that would nullify the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade and allowed individual states to pass pro-life protections.


A recent Department of Energy report revealed the ambitious scope of the ‘virtual power plant’ strategy while emphasizing the rationing aspect of ‘smart thermostats’ and ‘smart water heaters’ which “can be controlled remotely” in ways that are “typically imperceptible to the owner.”


Philadelphia: Teen Jihadi Planned to Bomb Pride Parade, Is Son of Far-Left Lawyer   Abdul-Rahman wanted make bombs for two jihad terror groups: Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad (KTJ), which is an al-Qaeda affiliate, and Hay’at Tahrir al Sham (HTS). He did not, however, intend to use his bomb-making skills only in Syria. CBS News notes that he was “was searching online for potential targets in the Philadelphia area, specifically the Philly Pride March and the Army-Navy game. He allegedly was also looking into targeting local power plants and domestic military bases.”


Left-Leaning Parents Are Teaching Their Kids to Hate... “Democrat-leaning kids were about nine times more likely to express negative emotions about Donald Trump than Republican-leaning kids were about Kamala Harris,”     It’s ironic that Democrats who claim to value tolerance are actually instilling a level of bigotry in their own children. Meanwhile, kids with Republican-leaning parents were far more tolerant...

Oh Yeah, They Tried to Kill the President … I Forgot About That  So, it’s not unreasonable to assume that the Democrat leadership would be okay with it if one of their inept killbots managed to waste their opponent. All the pieces fit. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and gets eaten by random Haitian illegal aliens like a duck, it’s a duck.
   But you cannot have a free country with norms like that. You cannot have a society where people compete for votes and where the people govern themselves if one faction decides – as the Democrats have – to change the rules so that their opponents never get to win.


Our loved ones died over Zoom calls while Covid experts had drug-fueled sex parties The next time they try to do this to us, I hope not one of us will be in line to comply.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

News and Views: September 26, 2024

Federal Judge Stops NY Attorney General Letitia James From Censoring Pregnancy Centers On September 24, 2024, a federal judge ruled that two New York pregnancy help organizations are free to continue sharing information about Abortion Pill Reversal and issued a preliminary injunction blocking New York Attorney General Letitia James from silencing the constitutionally protected speech of these pro-life ministries while their lawsuit moves forward. Image


Last century’s so-called “experts” believed in eugenics.  Today’s so-called experts believe in mandatory injections with experimental “vaccines,” anthropogenic “climate change,” and the “virtues” of depopulation.  “Progressive” government is inefficient folly; “progressive” science, however, is just plain deadly.

The Greatest Scandal in Modern American History That No One Cares About   But something strange has happened since Biden's ouster: the country went back to ignoring Joe Biden's senility. Photographs and footage of Biden asleep at the beach in Delaware have filled X feeds for weeks since he dropped out of the race. Just last week, Biden turned over a full Cabinet meeting to his wife, Jill, who sat herself at the head of the table and proceeded to lecture Constitutional appointees on women's health issues. Within 48 hours, Biden completely forgot the world leader he was supposed to introduce at a Quad summit, snarling at his aides, "Thank you all for being here and now, uhh, who am I introducing next? Who's next?" The leader, as it turns out, was Narendra Modi, prime minister of the most populous country on earth, India.


The real insurrection on Jan 6, 2021 was within the government, against Trump  With the release this week of transcripts of interviews conducted by the Pentagon’s inspector general with various key officials in the military, we now know that not only did Trump not instigate the riot, he issued orders that these officials make sure there were sufficient security at the Capitol to prevent any violence or misbehavior....
...Now for the real insurrection. The interviews show that these government officials then proceeded to defy the president, breaking their oath of office and violating the Constitution. Miller and other officials then devised a plan — in direct defiance of Trump’s orders — to keep the National Guard away from the Capitol, and they did it for admittedly political reasons.


The Doctor Will Kill You Now...UK will debate euthanasia, which they call “doctor assisted suicide” to make it sound like an act of kindness  By an astonishing coincidence, and just as happened with the covid fraud, exactly the same things are happening all around the world. Euthanasia is being promoted and legalised all around the world (just as the covid fraud was promoted globally)

Will NHS staff be able to veto Christian prayers during assisted suicides?  Hall's experience shows that in the Brave New World of assisted suicide God is not wanted. Unfortunately, under the power structures prevailing in the UK it would appear to be frighteningly easy to banish him from the room.

The UK’s broken welfare state will turn personal tragedy into a Canada-style national catastrophe. There is an essential difference between do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders or doctors agreeing to withdraw treatment, and physicians actively ending a life, breaching the Hippocratic Oath’s injunction that says: “I will not give a drug that is deadly.”
    Legal reforms of this magnitude inevitably unleash waves of social change, and this one is bound to shift the way we perceive not just the very old, but also the very ill, the disabled and other vulnerable groups. It would send a signal, if subliminally, that euthanasia is now an option of last resort for anybody who is struggling or deeply unhappy. Pushy families desperate for an inheritance would look at relatives in a darker light. The dehumanisation would be corrosive, and risks ending in moral armageddon.



Nantucket: ICE Arrests Illegal Aliens Charged With Multiple Child Sex Crimes  By the way, 99% of the media buried the fact that these men are illegal aliens, including at least one the U.S. deported once before.


Walz Education Appointee Calls for the Overthrow of the U.S.   Brian Lozenski, an associate professor of urban and multicultural education at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minn., was appointed by Governor Tim Walz’s state education department to help write the statewide “implementation framework” (similar to a curriculum) for Minnesota’s new “ethnic studies” standards. It now emerges that Lozenski has called for the “overthrow” of the United States.

---------------Green energy scam---------------

Whether the incident is “contained” remains in question. Debris from the broken turbine has been reported beyond Nantucket—in Martha’s Vineyard, Cape Cod, Rhode Island, and off the coast of Montauk, Long Island. The debris is breaking up into smaller pieces resembling shattered glass, with yet-unknown effects on Nantucket’s marine habitat. Vineyard Wind cautioned that “[m]embers of the public should avoid handling debris” and promised to “bag, track, and transport all debris to proper storage as soon as possible.” It remains to be seen whether simple avoidance will suffice, especially given the possibility of debris entering the human food chain through area fish. Image

East Coast Beaches Forced to Close for Because of Medical Waste Washing Ashore Officials banned swimming, wading and surfing at Assateague State Park Sunday morning after Maryland Park Service rangers found several needles and needle caps, feminine hygiene products and cigar tips along the beach, Maryland Department of Natural Resources spokesperson Gregg Bortz said in an email.

It Turns Out The Biden-Harris EV Push Comes At A Massive Cost — Thousands Of Blue Collar Jobs  “The GM layoffs, following the Stellantis layoffs, show that auto jobs are going away to China from the United States,” Diana Furchtgott-Roth, director of the Center for Energy, Climate and Environment at the Heritage Foundation, told the DCNF. “With the [Biden-Harris] administration’s rules for forced renewables and EVs, China is nibbling at the foundations of American prosperity like termites nibble at the foundations of a house.”


New Docs Reveal Facebook Trained CDC Bureaucrats How To Censor Americans “These documents show — definitively — the architecture behind the systems that political appointees and governmental bureaucrats used to unconstitutionally censor the free speech of Americans online,” said Gene Hamilton, the executive director of AFL in a Wednesday press release. “The right to speak — to even question authority — is so fundamental to our national identity, yet in the name of a public health crisis, Biden Administration officials worked with major companies to silence dissent.”

New Zealand pushed covid vaccination while heart disease was soaring The OIA figures suggest approximately a tenfold increase in chest pain and/or cardiac events among those under 40, probably associated with the administration of mRNA vaccines. Moreover the figures to June 2024 indicate the trend is continuing.

It’s a “Killer” Vaccine Worldwide: Japanese Researchers Say Side Effects of COVID Vaccines Linked to 201 Types of Diseases    “You will find diseases of the heart, kidney, thyroid, diabetes, liver, skin, eyes, blood, nerves, systemic diseases, brain, lungs.”
   Fukushima said the mRNA vaccine disperses throughout the body and is not contained in the shoulder like most vaccines.
   “It doesn’t know where to go. If it goes into the bloodstream, it goes to the brain, liver and kidneys,” he explained.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

News and Views: September 25, 2024

Harris Supports Ending the Filibuster for Abortion Legislation “I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe, and get us to the point where 51 votes would be what we need to actually put back in law the protections for reproductive freedom…”

Top Kamala Surrogate Calls to ‘Extinguish’ Trump ‘for Good’  Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo accused Trump of spreading “another lie” about Harris during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday. But what was really shocking was her chilling choice of words. 
   “How did we get here?” Raimondo asked, before declaring, “Let’s extinguish him for good. We have an answer — a remarkably talented candidate in Harris.”

Over the past nearly four years (and the eight Obama years), we’ve seen what the left wants to do with power. Democrats have weaponized the federal government against conservatives and anyone else who threatens Democrat power, and Obama and Joe Biden have used their presidential bully pulpit to tell the world that we're terrible people for opposing them.
   Millions of Democrats voted for Biden for reelection in the 2024 primaries, yet the party subverted democracy by pushing him out and installing Kamala Harris — who not only didn’t win any delegates this year but didn’t win any when she ran in 2020 — as the nominee. And Harris is giving us a clear idea of what she wants to do with “our democracy.”


Why are communist Chinese companies operating on US soil? In many cases, our own government creates the conditions favorable for pro-CCP NGOs to be able to create influence


A carefully articulated program of incremental deportations makes good political sense.  President Trump needs to hammer home that V.P. Harris utterly failed as “border czarina,” whereas Trump made real progress with stay-in-Mexico and building a border wall — except when stymied by lawfare in the courts.  Harris’s lip service to border integrity is too little, too late, and probably insincere.  The Republicans need to remind voters of that, and be informed on just how much money is spent on illegal aliens in their home states.
   Now, if there is some way we can bill Gates, Soros, the Rockefeller Foundation, and other NGOs for the charter flights returning illegal aliens to their homelands...

Maine mayor tells elderly residents to take out reverse mortgages to pay their soaring property taxes brought on by illegals   South Portland, Maine, which has seen a mass influx of illegals flown in by the Harris-Biden administration, has raised its property taxes for residents 25% in the last five years as a result. Some have seen hikes as high as 60%. Spending for illegals and their NGO "services" keeps piling up, always going higher than the previously promised budget for them.
   They don't like to say much any more to voters about all the services they offer to illegals -- their city page on it has been wiped out.
   But the locals, particularly the elderly on fixed incomes, have obviously complained.
   The mayor of South Portland, Misha Pride, who is probably a Democrat, has just the answer for them: Reverse mortgages.


White House urges Americans to leave Lebanon while travel available   American citizens in Lebanon should leave now while flights are still available, White House national security spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday, Reuters has reported.
   Kirby made his comment after Israeli air strikes had already killed nearly 560 Lebanese in less than two days, including dozens of children and women. Image


But this policy of funding radical activists to pollute the already murky waters of Wikipedia information is another thing entirely. A platform that claims to be relatively neutral turns out to be just another propaganda outfit. It's not a platform but a secret publisher pushing a left-wing narrative. 
   It's impossible to avoid Wikipedia because, damn it, it is so darn useful. But there is absolutely positively no way I am contributing another cent to it, and I will trust it even less than I do now.


No government would normally think of using wind turbines as part of an electricity generating system that needs to run day and night and be ready for quite large regular demand mornings and evenings. Their constantly changing input means that there always has to be a back-up system. Even as I’m writing this the only thing that is saving us from a total blackout and complete breakdown of our economy is gas.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

News and Views: September 24, 2024

This fusion of the profane and the puerile makes sense: The more that human beings supplant God as the measure of all things, the smaller they become. They cannot grow up, for, lacking a given end, there is nothing really for them to grow into. And as the holy is desecrated by human power, so human beings are themselves reduced, no longer bearers of the divine image but mere lumps of matter attached to wills. Athanasius in the fourth century could declare that God became human so that humans might become gods. Human beings were exalted by the act of the transcendent God. Today we might say that humans have made themselves gods so that God might be reduced to mere man. More than that, that he might become a childish construct whose concerns never move beyond the immediate needs of the human condition, whether these be entertainment, politics, or simply feeling good about ourselves. Of course, liberals do not have a monopoly on this: Any professing Christian who speaks of “the big man upstairs” or who apes the childish idioms and brickbats of our current political moment is guilty of the same. [First Things]


In addition to its grave humanitarian costs, the breakdown at the border causes Americans to lose faith in the immigration system—and in the rule of law. It also undercuts that vision of integration. A surge of unauthorized migration risks undercutting the wages of working-class Americans, including recent immigrants. Political responsibility means designing a system that looks out for the interests of native-born Americans while also helping immigrants themselves integrate into American life. The breakdown at the border has at once become a symbol of American polarization and an accelerant of that polarization. Restoring public credibility more broadly requires addressing the policy drivers of the crisis.

"We want people to come into our country, but they must love our nation, and come in legally and through a system of merit. The world is laughing at us as fools, they are stealing our jobs and our wealth. We cannot let them laugh any longer. Make America great again!"

An alert going out to the Border Patrol warns of military-grade weapons being found on the Mexico side of the border near Ajo, Arizona.


US Navy replenishment ship in Mideast was damaged in an incident, officials say A US Navy replenishment ship operating in the Middle East sustained damage in an incident which is under investigation, officials say.
   The damage to the USNS Big Horn comes after the oiler supplied the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group and remained in the region.
   A US Navy official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss matters yet to be made public, says the damage happened in the Mideast, but declined to elaborate on its location. A photo released by the US military dated Sept. 5 showed sailors aboard the Lincoln receiving supplies from the Big Horn. The Lincoln is patrolling the Arabian Sea.


Some Disassembly Required: High-Tech Goes to War Against 7th-Century Savages  Imagine spending two decades slowly and ruthlessly building up your missile arsenal, only to find that those damn Jews know where everything is and can target it with pinpoint precision.


Gen Z is Quiet Quitting Higher Education for Trade Schools This country’s young men and women want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thanks to reports from independent news sources and evidence on social media, they are beginning to chart a new course that doesn’t include indoctrination programs from elite colleges and universities.


Here on the islands of Britain and Ireland where our governing elites seem set on increasing levels of  immigration from the Islamic world, it still a case of see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil, unless it is to crack down on any protest from the growing proportions of their populations who oppose this agenda. Yet continuing to import large numbers of people with radical Islamic cultural values, plus large numbers from elsewhere, must inevitably lead to increased cultural tensions and the Balkanisation of these islands, as Ayaan Hirsi Ali pointed out just recently. The consequences are almost too disturbing to consider, but the British and Irish governments would appear to view them as an instruction manual to hammer the final nail into the coffin of Western civilisation.

According to the Washington Post, while the new restrictions are hardly comparable to those under which Afghan women must struggle, they still caught men in that country by surprise. For example, men must have fist-length beards. They cannot be un-Islamic in their appearance, which means they cannot have unapproved haircuts or wear clothes like jeans. They cannot so much as glance at a woman that is not their wife. 
   There could be a knock at the door if they do not attend religious services, and cab drivers are facing violations for having unescorted women as passengers or for playing music.


But the one that really caused a stir was the blade failure on one of the first turbines in a new Massachusetts farm off Nantucket. A turbine, mind you, that had yet even to become operational - they were testing it and the 300+ foot Hallaide blade snapped and shredded into fettuccine. The resulting fiberglass shards, remnants, and chunks covered beaches on nearby Nantucket while washing ashore on several other states' coastlines and causing severe heartburn among the formerly friendly-to-wind-power blue state residents. Image

Eight House Democrats Vote to Pull the Plug on Biden’s EV Rule  Eight Democrats voted with the House GOP to overturn a Biden administration rule that forces automakers to make a significant portion of their fleet electric.


Monday, September 23, 2024

News and Views: September 23, 2024

Harris and Biden Putting Illegal Aliens First and Americans Last While Acting President Harris sends those following the law, playing by the rules, to the back of an extremely long line, she has opened America’s borders to hordes of unvetted aliens, many illiterate and unskilled, carrying infectious or psychiatric diseases, some with criminal records and bad intentions, and even some terrorists.
   All to the tune of 10,000 known crossings a day. How many gotaways or unknown crossers a day? 50 percent more? Double the known crossers? We don’t know what we don’t know.
   According to US Customs and Border Control, “2.75 million foreign nationals have entered the U.S. without authorization in the current fiscal year.” This is through August, with the fiscal year ending September 30.

Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, says President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s policy of “unlimited immigration” to the United States has been carried out “on purpose — not due to incompetence.

Here’s How A Venezuelan Gang Was Able To Infiltrate The US And Wreak Havoc In Major Cities   “We have next to no vetting for the Venezuelans who are entering the country, because we have no relationship with the government of Venezuela and that’s true of other migrant nationalities,” Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, told the DCNF. “We have no way of knowing whether they were in prison in Venezuela. We have no idea if they’ve been living in a third-world country for years before they tried to come to the United States. We’re essentially letting them in on their word.”


Over the past two decades, Britain’s economy has needed a huge quantity of new housing, transport infrastructure and energy supply. Its postwar institutions have manifestly failed to deliver these. Britain is now a place in which it is far too hard to build houses and infrastructure, and where energy is too expensive. This has meant that our most productive industries have been starved of the resources, investment and talent – the economic foundations – that they need to grow.


A most ungodly church...Silent in the face of evil, the Church of England once again defames its Jewish victim     Last night, Hezbollah attacked northern Israel with long range missiles, one of which hit Nazareth.
   Since Christians believe that Nazareth is where Jesus spent his childhood it is an important, even sacred town for them. One might therefore expect that the Church of England’s clergy would voice horrified condemnation of Hezbollah. 
   You think? I haven’t been able to find a single such utterance. From the Archbishop of Canterbury: nothing. From the bishops of Gloucester, Chelmsford, Norwich and Southwark: nothing. Instead, they have expressed horrified condemnation of … how did you guess? And as ever from the Church of England hierarchy, this condemnation is based on venomous and ignorant bigotry. Image


Democrats Want ‘Climate Literacy’ In Schools As Actual Literacy Slips   The U.S. is seeing “staggering numbers of children, especially children of color and children from low-income backgrounds, without fundamental literacy skills,” Allison Socol, the vice president of policy, practice and research for the Education Trust, wrote earlier this year.
   NAEP data “consistently” demonstrates that about two in every three American students cannot read proficiently, and about 40% of all students are effectively non-readers, according to an analysis published by Scientific American in September 2023.

NH School Calls Cops on Parents Wearing 'XX' Armbands at Girl's Soccer Match to Protest Trans Player  None of us should be surprised by this. In order to force conformity to the belief that boys can be girls simply by saying so, radical advocates will shatter the First Amendment to do it. 
  There is no room for opposition, legal though it may be. There isn't even room for opposing thought given that it's punished by small-minded bureaucrats who exercise authority like any fascist would.
  When even silent protests are punished, you know that the American experiment in self-government is in deep trouble.


Instead, they are used by politicians to impress and persuade the public to follow the “expertise,” “science,” or “authorities” to support all sorts of injurious initiatives and policies—of dubious value and otherwise without much political support.
   Think of all the health experts who collectively swore to us that the COVID mRNA vaccinations would give us ironclad and lasting protection from being either infectious or infected and were without any side effects.
   Other “authorities” assured us the first nationwide lockdown in U.S. history would stop COVID without hurting the social or economic life of the country. -VD Hanson


“That whole thing that happened in Lebanon with the pagers and walkie-talkies should be a wake-up call to our readership and listeners that we need a Plan B. Our grid could go down, and our systems could go down, which is why I’m thinking about pagers.”


NHS Whistleblower: ‘We Were Instructed to Euthanize Patients to Inflate COVID Death Toll While Hospitals Sat Empty!’   It’s quite clear, from the evidence provided by whistleblowing NHS staff, investigative lawyers, and official Government reports is that you gave up over two years of your life due to a lie.
  • A lie that involved prematurely ending the lives of thousands upon thousands of people, who you were told died of Covid-19.
  • A lie that has involved committing one of the greatest crimes against humanity in living memory.
  • A lie that has required three things – fear, your compliance, and a drug known as Midazolam.

Why Is Low Blood Cholesterol Associated with Increased Late Life Mortality?  You’ve likely heard that high cholesterol is bad for your health, however cholesterol is found in nearly every cell of your body and is vital for optimal functioning. If you have too little, your risk of health problems increases, including all-cause mortality.
   Research published in Frontiers in Endocrinology found a revealing link between low total cholesterol (TC) levels and increased mortality risk in those aged 85 and above.1 This research challenges the conventional dogma that lower cholesterol is always better, especially for older adults.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take My Life And Let It Be...

Take My Life And Let It Be
Islington Baptist Church

News and Views: September 21, 2024

Students “will look at the history of family abolition and its threads through various other movements, examine variations in cultural models of family, and imagine new models of collective care together,” the course description states.

Does ‘No Contact’ Mean No Accountability? ...canceling family members But family estrangements go far beyond questionable mental health therapy: they’re becoming downright fashionable.
   Psychology Today reports that at least one in four people experience familial estrangement, with one in ten choosing to sever the parent/child bond.
   The worst part is that it’s turned into quite the fad.  You can find thousands of #nocontact videos on YouTube or TikTok reflecting the disturbing nature of the problem, including people who refuse to visit their dying parents.  That’s no isolated incident when you consider the 18,000 comments under this video from self-identifying “no contact children” who openly show contempt instead of compassion for that most sacred transition from life to death.


Unknown music composed by Mozart discovered in German library  The piece, which dates to the mid- to late-1760s, consists of seven miniature movements for a string trio. It lasts around 12 minutes, researchers with the Leipzig Municipal Libraries said in a statement.



Friday, September 20, 2024

News and Views: September 20, 2024

There are many, many more instances of liberals in America demanding censorship in one way or another while giving ample justifications for their desired oppression, whether the subject of contention is electoral fraud, the COVID farce, sexual mutilation, or illegal immigration. The most frequent acts of censorship are, ironically, in universities. I have collected hundreds and hundreds of such instances to perhaps be listed another time. Intellectuals have given convoluted arguments as to why voting is a danger to democracy.
  As can be seen, the totalitarian virus has spread unchecked. It has spread to such a degree that some Americans are demanding the Constitution should be trashed, the Supreme Court has got to be purged, and, that elections are a threat to democracy. And, yes, they are Democrats.
   Twenty years ago, if anyone had voiced a desire for dictatorial powers as the above, the repercussions would have been debilitating for the would-be commissar, but we have now been desensitized to such obscenities.


As regal and majestic as all of this sounds, “divine” rule was actually nothing more than a tool to help establish legitimacy and maintain power for the ruling elites. Who could be a more powerful ally in demonstrating that an individual or a group should have more power than God (or the gods)?
   Using armies and weapons to keep subjects from questioning authority or revolting could be expensive. It was cheaper to do so through or with the assistance of religious beliefs. If one could convince a man that his king was acting in the stead of God, the threshold of abuse he would accept before revolting would be much higher than if the king were just a man.


IDF strikes 100 Hezbollah rocket launchers amid fears of expanding war in Lebanon The airstrikes comes after nearly 50 people were killed and more than 5,000 injured in a sophisticated, coordinated attack that saw pagers and walkie-talkies used by Hezbollah militants detonate simultaneously. The pagers exploded Tuesday, with the walkie-talkies detonating the next day. Image

Report: Hezbollah Hiding Heavy Death Toll From Exploding Devices, Leadership of Elite Radwan Terror Force Decimated  In an apparent warning to Hezbollah, the IDF Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi declared that Israel’s armed forces may have more unpleasant surprises up their sleeves for the Iranian proxy terrorist group.
   “We still have many capabilities that we have not yet activated,” Lt. Gen. Halevi assured Wednesday. “Every time we work on a certain stage, the next two stages are already ready to advance. At each stage, the price for Hezbollah must be high,” he warned.


Special ed is failing: With no time to meet diverse needs, teachers lower expectations  If the teacher gives students the answers the day before the test, students don't learn to study. If the teacher allows retakes, students don't learn to allocate their time. If the class moves so slowly the teacher can't cover the material, students are unprepared for the next grade. "What do children learn when their world bends for them?," asks Dissident Teacher. "What happens to the kids for whom the world used to bend when they enter a world that no longer will?"

  • Two-thirds of fourth and eighth graders aren’t proficient in reading, according to the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a.k.a. “The Nation’s Report Card.” 
  • Absenteeism nearly doubled between 2019 and 2023. 
  • Between 2018 and 2023, American students’ math scores dropped 13 points, reaching the lowest U.S. levels since international comparison records began in 2003. 
  • An independent assessment in 2023–24 shows eighth graders would need a full year to catch up to pre-pandemic levels—which is basically impossible.

UK: The covid vaccine witch hunt continues as another dissenting doctor is punished The UK is not alone in its efforts to stifle free speech with eminent doctors being similarly sanctioned in Canada, Australia, and most recently the USA. Whistleblowing in academia is no easier.
  If public confidence in the medical profession has fallen, rather than blaming dissenters for speaking out against the prevailing message, perhaps doctors need to take a hard look at their unquestioning acceptance of the ‘Safe and Effective’ message and ask themselves why is covid continuing, why are their vulnerable patients being recommended for another booster every six months, and yet why are they apparently busier than ever?
  Many of the doctors currently being hounded for speaking out on social media are the same doctors who are repeatedly thanked by members of the public for their honesty and integrity and especially for their efforts to support the vaccine injured, often ignored and disbelieved by others.
