Wednesday, September 25, 2024

News and Views: September 25, 2024

Harris Supports Ending the Filibuster for Abortion Legislation “I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe, and get us to the point where 51 votes would be what we need to actually put back in law the protections for reproductive freedom…”

Top Kamala Surrogate Calls to ‘Extinguish’ Trump ‘for Good’  Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo accused Trump of spreading “another lie” about Harris during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday. But what was really shocking was her chilling choice of words. 
   “How did we get here?” Raimondo asked, before declaring, “Let’s extinguish him for good. We have an answer — a remarkably talented candidate in Harris.”

Over the past nearly four years (and the eight Obama years), we’ve seen what the left wants to do with power. Democrats have weaponized the federal government against conservatives and anyone else who threatens Democrat power, and Obama and Joe Biden have used their presidential bully pulpit to tell the world that we're terrible people for opposing them.
   Millions of Democrats voted for Biden for reelection in the 2024 primaries, yet the party subverted democracy by pushing him out and installing Kamala Harris — who not only didn’t win any delegates this year but didn’t win any when she ran in 2020 — as the nominee. And Harris is giving us a clear idea of what she wants to do with “our democracy.”


Why are communist Chinese companies operating on US soil? In many cases, our own government creates the conditions favorable for pro-CCP NGOs to be able to create influence


A carefully articulated program of incremental deportations makes good political sense.  President Trump needs to hammer home that V.P. Harris utterly failed as “border czarina,” whereas Trump made real progress with stay-in-Mexico and building a border wall — except when stymied by lawfare in the courts.  Harris’s lip service to border integrity is too little, too late, and probably insincere.  The Republicans need to remind voters of that, and be informed on just how much money is spent on illegal aliens in their home states.
   Now, if there is some way we can bill Gates, Soros, the Rockefeller Foundation, and other NGOs for the charter flights returning illegal aliens to their homelands...

Maine mayor tells elderly residents to take out reverse mortgages to pay their soaring property taxes brought on by illegals   South Portland, Maine, which has seen a mass influx of illegals flown in by the Harris-Biden administration, has raised its property taxes for residents 25% in the last five years as a result. Some have seen hikes as high as 60%. Spending for illegals and their NGO "services" keeps piling up, always going higher than the previously promised budget for them.
   They don't like to say much any more to voters about all the services they offer to illegals -- their city page on it has been wiped out.
   But the locals, particularly the elderly on fixed incomes, have obviously complained.
   The mayor of South Portland, Misha Pride, who is probably a Democrat, has just the answer for them: Reverse mortgages.


White House urges Americans to leave Lebanon while travel available   American citizens in Lebanon should leave now while flights are still available, White House national security spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday, Reuters has reported.
   Kirby made his comment after Israeli air strikes had already killed nearly 560 Lebanese in less than two days, including dozens of children and women. Image


But this policy of funding radical activists to pollute the already murky waters of Wikipedia information is another thing entirely. A platform that claims to be relatively neutral turns out to be just another propaganda outfit. It's not a platform but a secret publisher pushing a left-wing narrative. 
   It's impossible to avoid Wikipedia because, damn it, it is so darn useful. But there is absolutely positively no way I am contributing another cent to it, and I will trust it even less than I do now.


No government would normally think of using wind turbines as part of an electricity generating system that needs to run day and night and be ready for quite large regular demand mornings and evenings. Their constantly changing input means that there always has to be a back-up system. Even as I’m writing this the only thing that is saving us from a total blackout and complete breakdown of our economy is gas.



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