Thursday, September 26, 2024

News and Views: September 26, 2024

Federal Judge Stops NY Attorney General Letitia James From Censoring Pregnancy Centers On September 24, 2024, a federal judge ruled that two New York pregnancy help organizations are free to continue sharing information about Abortion Pill Reversal and issued a preliminary injunction blocking New York Attorney General Letitia James from silencing the constitutionally protected speech of these pro-life ministries while their lawsuit moves forward. Image


Last century’s so-called “experts” believed in eugenics.  Today’s so-called experts believe in mandatory injections with experimental “vaccines,” anthropogenic “climate change,” and the “virtues” of depopulation.  “Progressive” government is inefficient folly; “progressive” science, however, is just plain deadly.

The Greatest Scandal in Modern American History That No One Cares About   But something strange has happened since Biden's ouster: the country went back to ignoring Joe Biden's senility. Photographs and footage of Biden asleep at the beach in Delaware have filled X feeds for weeks since he dropped out of the race. Just last week, Biden turned over a full Cabinet meeting to his wife, Jill, who sat herself at the head of the table and proceeded to lecture Constitutional appointees on women's health issues. Within 48 hours, Biden completely forgot the world leader he was supposed to introduce at a Quad summit, snarling at his aides, "Thank you all for being here and now, uhh, who am I introducing next? Who's next?" The leader, as it turns out, was Narendra Modi, prime minister of the most populous country on earth, India.


The real insurrection on Jan 6, 2021 was within the government, against Trump  With the release this week of transcripts of interviews conducted by the Pentagon’s inspector general with various key officials in the military, we now know that not only did Trump not instigate the riot, he issued orders that these officials make sure there were sufficient security at the Capitol to prevent any violence or misbehavior....
...Now for the real insurrection. The interviews show that these government officials then proceeded to defy the president, breaking their oath of office and violating the Constitution. Miller and other officials then devised a plan — in direct defiance of Trump’s orders — to keep the National Guard away from the Capitol, and they did it for admittedly political reasons.


The Doctor Will Kill You Now...UK will debate euthanasia, which they call “doctor assisted suicide” to make it sound like an act of kindness  By an astonishing coincidence, and just as happened with the covid fraud, exactly the same things are happening all around the world. Euthanasia is being promoted and legalised all around the world (just as the covid fraud was promoted globally)

Will NHS staff be able to veto Christian prayers during assisted suicides?  Hall's experience shows that in the Brave New World of assisted suicide God is not wanted. Unfortunately, under the power structures prevailing in the UK it would appear to be frighteningly easy to banish him from the room.

The UK’s broken welfare state will turn personal tragedy into a Canada-style national catastrophe. There is an essential difference between do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders or doctors agreeing to withdraw treatment, and physicians actively ending a life, breaching the Hippocratic Oath’s injunction that says: “I will not give a drug that is deadly.”
    Legal reforms of this magnitude inevitably unleash waves of social change, and this one is bound to shift the way we perceive not just the very old, but also the very ill, the disabled and other vulnerable groups. It would send a signal, if subliminally, that euthanasia is now an option of last resort for anybody who is struggling or deeply unhappy. Pushy families desperate for an inheritance would look at relatives in a darker light. The dehumanisation would be corrosive, and risks ending in moral armageddon.



Nantucket: ICE Arrests Illegal Aliens Charged With Multiple Child Sex Crimes  By the way, 99% of the media buried the fact that these men are illegal aliens, including at least one the U.S. deported once before.


Walz Education Appointee Calls for the Overthrow of the U.S.   Brian Lozenski, an associate professor of urban and multicultural education at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minn., was appointed by Governor Tim Walz’s state education department to help write the statewide “implementation framework” (similar to a curriculum) for Minnesota’s new “ethnic studies” standards. It now emerges that Lozenski has called for the “overthrow” of the United States.

---------------Green energy scam---------------

Whether the incident is “contained” remains in question. Debris from the broken turbine has been reported beyond Nantucket—in Martha’s Vineyard, Cape Cod, Rhode Island, and off the coast of Montauk, Long Island. The debris is breaking up into smaller pieces resembling shattered glass, with yet-unknown effects on Nantucket’s marine habitat. Vineyard Wind cautioned that “[m]embers of the public should avoid handling debris” and promised to “bag, track, and transport all debris to proper storage as soon as possible.” It remains to be seen whether simple avoidance will suffice, especially given the possibility of debris entering the human food chain through area fish. Image

East Coast Beaches Forced to Close for Because of Medical Waste Washing Ashore Officials banned swimming, wading and surfing at Assateague State Park Sunday morning after Maryland Park Service rangers found several needles and needle caps, feminine hygiene products and cigar tips along the beach, Maryland Department of Natural Resources spokesperson Gregg Bortz said in an email.

It Turns Out The Biden-Harris EV Push Comes At A Massive Cost — Thousands Of Blue Collar Jobs  “The GM layoffs, following the Stellantis layoffs, show that auto jobs are going away to China from the United States,” Diana Furchtgott-Roth, director of the Center for Energy, Climate and Environment at the Heritage Foundation, told the DCNF. “With the [Biden-Harris] administration’s rules for forced renewables and EVs, China is nibbling at the foundations of American prosperity like termites nibble at the foundations of a house.”


New Docs Reveal Facebook Trained CDC Bureaucrats How To Censor Americans “These documents show — definitively — the architecture behind the systems that political appointees and governmental bureaucrats used to unconstitutionally censor the free speech of Americans online,” said Gene Hamilton, the executive director of AFL in a Wednesday press release. “The right to speak — to even question authority — is so fundamental to our national identity, yet in the name of a public health crisis, Biden Administration officials worked with major companies to silence dissent.”

New Zealand pushed covid vaccination while heart disease was soaring The OIA figures suggest approximately a tenfold increase in chest pain and/or cardiac events among those under 40, probably associated with the administration of mRNA vaccines. Moreover the figures to June 2024 indicate the trend is continuing.

It’s a “Killer” Vaccine Worldwide: Japanese Researchers Say Side Effects of COVID Vaccines Linked to 201 Types of Diseases    “You will find diseases of the heart, kidney, thyroid, diabetes, liver, skin, eyes, blood, nerves, systemic diseases, brain, lungs.”
   Fukushima said the mRNA vaccine disperses throughout the body and is not contained in the shoulder like most vaccines.
   “It doesn’t know where to go. If it goes into the bloodstream, it goes to the brain, liver and kidneys,” he explained.


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