Tuesday, September 24, 2024

News and Views: September 24, 2024

This fusion of the profane and the puerile makes sense: The more that human beings supplant God as the measure of all things, the smaller they become. They cannot grow up, for, lacking a given end, there is nothing really for them to grow into. And as the holy is desecrated by human power, so human beings are themselves reduced, no longer bearers of the divine image but mere lumps of matter attached to wills. Athanasius in the fourth century could declare that God became human so that humans might become gods. Human beings were exalted by the act of the transcendent God. Today we might say that humans have made themselves gods so that God might be reduced to mere man. More than that, that he might become a childish construct whose concerns never move beyond the immediate needs of the human condition, whether these be entertainment, politics, or simply feeling good about ourselves. Of course, liberals do not have a monopoly on this: Any professing Christian who speaks of “the big man upstairs” or who apes the childish idioms and brickbats of our current political moment is guilty of the same. [First Things]


In addition to its grave humanitarian costs, the breakdown at the border causes Americans to lose faith in the immigration system—and in the rule of law. It also undercuts that vision of integration. A surge of unauthorized migration risks undercutting the wages of working-class Americans, including recent immigrants. Political responsibility means designing a system that looks out for the interests of native-born Americans while also helping immigrants themselves integrate into American life. The breakdown at the border has at once become a symbol of American polarization and an accelerant of that polarization. Restoring public credibility more broadly requires addressing the policy drivers of the crisis.

"We want people to come into our country, but they must love our nation, and come in legally and through a system of merit. The world is laughing at us as fools, they are stealing our jobs and our wealth. We cannot let them laugh any longer. Make America great again!"

An alert going out to the Border Patrol warns of military-grade weapons being found on the Mexico side of the border near Ajo, Arizona.


US Navy replenishment ship in Mideast was damaged in an incident, officials say A US Navy replenishment ship operating in the Middle East sustained damage in an incident which is under investigation, officials say.
   The damage to the USNS Big Horn comes after the oiler supplied the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group and remained in the region.
   A US Navy official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss matters yet to be made public, says the damage happened in the Mideast, but declined to elaborate on its location. A photo released by the US military dated Sept. 5 showed sailors aboard the Lincoln receiving supplies from the Big Horn. The Lincoln is patrolling the Arabian Sea.


Some Disassembly Required: High-Tech Goes to War Against 7th-Century Savages  Imagine spending two decades slowly and ruthlessly building up your missile arsenal, only to find that those damn Jews know where everything is and can target it with pinpoint precision.


Gen Z is Quiet Quitting Higher Education for Trade Schools This country’s young men and women want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thanks to reports from independent news sources and evidence on social media, they are beginning to chart a new course that doesn’t include indoctrination programs from elite colleges and universities.


Here on the islands of Britain and Ireland where our governing elites seem set on increasing levels of  immigration from the Islamic world, it still a case of see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil, unless it is to crack down on any protest from the growing proportions of their populations who oppose this agenda. Yet continuing to import large numbers of people with radical Islamic cultural values, plus large numbers from elsewhere, must inevitably lead to increased cultural tensions and the Balkanisation of these islands, as Ayaan Hirsi Ali pointed out just recently. The consequences are almost too disturbing to consider, but the British and Irish governments would appear to view them as an instruction manual to hammer the final nail into the coffin of Western civilisation.

According to the Washington Post, while the new restrictions are hardly comparable to those under which Afghan women must struggle, they still caught men in that country by surprise. For example, men must have fist-length beards. They cannot be un-Islamic in their appearance, which means they cannot have unapproved haircuts or wear clothes like jeans. They cannot so much as glance at a woman that is not their wife. 
   There could be a knock at the door if they do not attend religious services, and cab drivers are facing violations for having unescorted women as passengers or for playing music.


But the one that really caused a stir was the blade failure on one of the first turbines in a new Massachusetts farm off Nantucket. A turbine, mind you, that had yet even to become operational - they were testing it and the 300+ foot Hallaide blade snapped and shredded into fettuccine. The resulting fiberglass shards, remnants, and chunks covered beaches on nearby Nantucket while washing ashore on several other states' coastlines and causing severe heartburn among the formerly friendly-to-wind-power blue state residents. Image

Eight House Democrats Vote to Pull the Plug on Biden’s EV Rule  Eight Democrats voted with the House GOP to overturn a Biden administration rule that forces automakers to make a significant portion of their fleet electric.



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