Thursday, August 24, 2023

How America Becomes Zimbabwe; What Is A Coup Du Publique? You’re In One Right Now...more

Americans are being played.  The racists in the Biden administration and the Democrat party, with their incessant propagandic drumbeats of racism, white supremacy, Critical Race Theory, fake racial crimes from the likes of Jussie Smollett and others; their destructive "Diversity, Inclusion, Equity" programs; their government contractors who were forced to demonstrate that they had a "diversity hiring program" lest they be barred from further government contracts; doctors' mandatory "training" that teaches that "white individuals are naturally racist"; to President Obama's executive order, "Using Behavioral Science Insights to Better Serve the American People," and deadly experimental COVID vaccines — all of these are silent weapons for the quiet war on white America.


What Is A Coup Du Publique? You’re In One Right Now   This coup is not one of bullets but of butter, brains, and banishment.  It does not promise an escape from the tyranny of the past but brazenly proclaims a new tyranny, under which people will be forcibly cared for from cradle to grave.

The American Revolution revolved around individuals asserting their rights to create a new system of governance:  We the People.

The coup du publique carries a diametrically different core belief and will result in a final soul-crushing status for all humans: You Were the People.


A Forbes report has revealed that the Biden Administration attempted to forge a contractual agreement with TikTok that would have allowed the government to control features of the Chinese app to spy on Americans.

Forbes managed to get hold of a draft of the contract between TikTok and the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) that would have essentially allowed multiple US agencies to access the app’s records and operations in exchange for allowing it to continue operating in the U.S.


NYC Migrants a ‘Serious Problem’, Say Whopping 82% of Residents...Around 100,000 migrants have so far passed through the city  This follows the recent warning from a New York City doctor that migrants have brought diseases, such as Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Measles, and Syphilis, to the city after crossing the Southern Border. The city council is considering housing the migrants in Central Park, with the city’s Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services declaring: “Everything is on the table.”


Four decades ago Postman compared the visions of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley:
What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. … Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture.
In the surrender of youth culture to technology, the Huxleyan prophecy has been fully realized.


Californians Live in Fear of Government
Across the state, Californians are witnessing the total breakdown of society – primarily, and noticeably confined to larger cities. Scenes of drug addled homeless vagrants living in tents along city sidewalks play out daily. Public sex acts and open drug deals have become ho hum – “avert your eyes, kids.” Smash and grab thefts are becoming routine news reports. Daily news reports of “sex trafficking” fail to elicit anger – “that’s just awful,” people say. And then they scroll to the next article. 
 The one area of concern many people quietly acknowledge in whispered tones is the new-normal of living in fear of the government. 
 From the White House to the State House, and to City Hall, people in California and other blue states are fearful because of politicians and leftists who won’t let them defend themselves, their children, their homes, businesses, churches and schools.


Media Eager to Point Out That South Carolina's 'All Male' Supreme Court Upheld Six Week Abortion Ban   The outlets are all too eager to point out South Carolina’s “all male” Supreme Court upheld the state’s six-week abortion ban. WHY is that important? Oh, yeah. The legal reasoning behind the decision is sound. It was the correct decision. But the media and left have to keep the outrage. It just so happens the South Carolina Supreme Court consists of only males.


Half of Imprisoned Men Who Identify as Transgender Women Convicted of at Least One Sexual Assault   “Men belong with men and men only in prison,” said Mike Howell, director of the Oversight Project. “Putting sex offender men claiming to be women in cells with women is another reason the world laughs at America’s moral decline. Prison is for punishment, not degenerate sexual behavior.”


Police remove man from school board meeting for reading from a book in the library...the book "Flamer," which is on many of those "banned book" lists … the ones that mostly comprise LGBTQ content.


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