Monday, June 10, 2024

A Revolution in Europe; DEI is unraveling at our universities...more

Much has been made over the last couple of days about President Biden’s behavior and demeanor at the ceremony honoring World War II veterans at Normandy on June 6, the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Biden looked…old—in large part because he is old. He shuffled like an old man. He got confused like an old man. He was hurried out of an event that was causing him consternation like an old man. Joe Biden is 81 years old and he looks every day of it—and more.


A conservative revolution has swept Europe lifting parties in France, Italy and Germany.
   After months of eco-riots, the public firmly rejected green fascism and kicked them to the curb. The results were especially stunning in Germany and France, but political earthquakes also rocked Belgium and Austria, and despite every possible effort to stop Geert Wilders, the Netherlands continues to swing further toward sanity.


Businesses are shuttering or laying off workers as sales have plunged by $700 million.


The pandemic industry has become far better, and more systematic, at managing perceptions. This is the whole basis on which the behavioral psychology of government ‘nudge units’ was based during Covid. The aim was not a calculated overall public good, but to promote a particular set of public behaviors to address a narrowly defined threat. This is now underway for bird flu.


DEI is unraveling at our universities. Good riddance to a failed and divisive bureaucracy  That’s true of DEI policies in general, as they prioritize groups and not the individual.
   “I think forcing people into these boxes is antithetical to what higher education is supposed to be about, which is the free exchange of ideas,” Minella said. “I do think it’s harmful to the educational purpose of universities.”
   As the rise of campus antisemitism has demonstrated, the sooner U.S. universities can extricate themselves from this dangerous bureaucracy, the better. Image


American College of Pediatricians issues fiery statement condemning child gender transition The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) and allied groups styling themselves as "Doctors Protecting Children" have published a declaration urging mainstream American medical associations like the American Academy of Pediatrics to abandon support for so-called "gender-affirming care" for transgender youths.
     "As physicians, together with nurses, psychotherapists and behavioral health clinicians, other health professionals, scientists, researchers, and public health and policy professionals, we have serious concerns about the physical and mental health effects of the current protocols promoted for the care of children and adolescents in the United States who express discomfort with their biological sex," the declaration states.

Today's blacklisted American: Biden's Justice Dept prosecutes doctor who blew the whistle on child mutilation at hospital A civilized society would honor Haim for his willingness to expose Texas Children’s Hospital’s continuing child abuse. The Biden administration and the Democrats who run it and control the Justice Department however think such procedures are right and proper. How dare Haim stop doctors from castrating little kids! He must be punished.
Haim’s life has practically been destroyed by these indictments.


Ninth Circuit court opinion now brings into question whether or not the jab can be classified as a vaccine   On June 7th, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion in Health Freedom Defense Fund v Carvalho (Superintendent of the Los Angeles United School District), acknowledging allegations that the vaccine did not “prevent transmission or contraction of COVID-19.” In other words, the court buys the argument that this prophylactic is not a “vaccine” but more characterized as a “medical treatment.” And that is an important distinction.
     This case involves a lawsuit by school employees who are suing the school district in Los Angeles over their continued mandates for the shot as a condition of employment. The central question is whether or not the school district has the authority to make such a mandate and whether or not such a mandate violates the constitutional rights of these employees.


Beliefs and ideologies are useless unless we can clearly say “no” to violations of them, even when under duress. The strength for such fortitude comes from God, but also from a community and support structure that holds one accountable. In former days, religion, ethnicity, neighborhood, and family served this role. Today, we must be more intentional in finding such support. Image

‘No Slowing Down’: Abbott Confirms There’s Been No Change At Border Since Biden’s New Policy, Says It’s ‘Accelerating’  “And so this is gaslighting our fellow Americans when Biden gets up and says this is gonna stop people from coming across the border, when he says this is going to secure the border — in fact, it is making the border illegal crossings worse,” Abbott said.

New Border Patrol Memo Instructs Agents to Release Immigrants Into the U.S. -more than 17 million aliens having entered the country since his first day in office According to the internal memo, Border Patrol agents are being told to release illegal adult immigrants from all but six countries in the Eastern Hemisphere into the U.S.


Make no mistake, the Left is engaged in an all-out war on beauty, excellence, and decency. This, in turn, is part of its larger War on Truth.
   If we do not win this war, the consequences will be catastrophic. And likely permanent.


YMCA has shamefully embraced LGBTQ  ideology and should remove ‘Christian’ from its name  The YMCA’s support and promotion of non-biblical behaviors, including its embracing of LGBTQ+ lifestyles and transgenderism, along with its implied endorsement of abortion and Planned Parenthood, are in direct conflict with the organization’s stated mission built on “Christian principles.”


Under the law signed by Gov. Jared Polis, campuses will be "gun-free" going forward, although there is an exception for firearms that are lawfully stored in vehicles in parking lots. While the original bill included nearly two dozen new "gun-free zones", many of those locations were scrapped before the bill reached Polis's desk, but there are still several "sensitive places" that will soon be off limits to concealed carry holders.



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