Tuesday, June 04, 2024

‘The manufacturing side of the economy appears to have stalled'...more

‘The manufacturing side of the economy appears to have stalled,’ ISM says The industrial side of the economy is unlikely to generate sustained growth until interest rates fall and a lower cost of borrowing entices customers to buy more goods or invest.


Columbia University alumnus donates $260 million to Israeli university  Not only did the donor make a point to tell onlookers he fought in a conflict entrenched in antisemitism, but he also reiterated how he graduated from Columbia. Image


On May 18, Khaled Mashal — a Hamas leader conveniently living abroad rather than in the war zone of Gaza — delivered an address to the Flood of the Free conference in Istanbul. Don’t be deceived by the title, as it was hosted by the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. During that address, according to MEMRI, he claimed that the Al-Aqsa Flood, the terrorist term for the Hamas conflict that began with the Oct. 7 atrocities, is “good for Mankind because annihilating the Zionists is good for humanity as a whole.” Image


The Obama/Biden/Soros cabal is nearing its fourth term running America, driving this once great nation into the ditch of communism and tyranny.
   Last week, America finally crossed the Rubicon from a nation of liberty and the rule of law to a banana republic thugocracy where the ruling party indicts, arrests, and imprisons its political opposition. Image


The Dirty Little Secret Behind Biden's Stealth Mass Amnesty This administration was never going to investigate any of these cases, much less 350,000 of them. And unless the next president has the fortitude to engage in mass deportations — something Trump has mentioned recently but did not pursue during his first term — then Biden's mass amnesty is nothing more than dotting the I's and crossing the T's on what we already knew.
    The Swamp decided years ago to demographically reshape the United States, and we're fast approaching the point of no return.
    Assuming we aren't there already, that is.


Trump campaign websites are all saying this is a dark day for the country, and they are right. What happened in New York was an inversion of the rule of law, using the forms of an ordinary criminal process in order to commit substantive injustice, persecuting an innocent man for partisan ends. Every patriotic American should be angry, worried, and motivated to reverse this injustice. Image


Federal Bureaucrats Make All Businesses Support Abortion New harassment rules show the government is even woker than you think it is.


Physically Healthy Dutch Woman Ends Her Life Through Assisted Suicide A physically healthy 29-year-old Dutch woman ended her life through assisted suicide due to crippling depression and other issues. 


FDA Approves Moderna’s mRNA RSV Vaccine — With No Input From Independent Advisers  The FDA said it bypassed input from the agency’s independent advisers because it didn’t see any “concerns or controversial issues.” Moderna is running at least 11 clinical trials for its new mRNA RSV drug on other demographic groups, including young children, adolescents and healthy adults.



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