Friday, June 07, 2024

Empires in Eclipse; Will the United States Become a Third World Nation?...more

I suppose the lesson is this: There’s nothing sacred about the Pax Americana. Nothing guarantees its survival, legitimacy, comforts, power, or wealth. A sardonic observer like the Roman poet Juvenal—were he alive—might even observe that today’s America seems less like the “city on a hill” of Scripture, and more like a Carthaginian tophet, or the ritual site of child sacrifice. Of course, that would be unfair. A biblical leaven remains in the American experiment, and many good people still believe in its best ideals.



God Is Dead. Long Live the Gods....What the Early Church Can Teach Us About Living in a Pagan World  There are many differences between our world and the ancient one. We’re watching the demise of a Christian culture instead of starting from scratch, and we must learn to grieve the loss of institutions and choose wisely between trying to revive them or creating new ones. I suspect our strategy needs to be a prudent combination, but we must let wisdom guide us and work toward cooperation among Christians.


Urban squalor and financial mismanagement are just outward signs of decline. Less obvious is the spread of identity politics that prizes skin color and gender over merit, so people are hired for appearances, not an ability to do the job. The results are disastrous despite all the yammer about diversity being America’s greatest strength. Charles Murray’s Facing Reality (Ch. 5) details the dreadful consequences of this box-checking mentality. Whether you are hiring brain surgeons or janitors, ignoring merit guarantees inferior outcomes that bring lawsuits, chaotic conditions and, in some instances, death. Identity politics is the perfect ticket to economic decline, and while recent efforts to ban racial and gender preferences have had success, these practices persist. An incompetent applicant admitted and then graduated from medical school due to race today may ineptly practice medicine for the next 40 years.


Reflecting on the upcoming anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, Harris invoked God’s name to claim that legalizing abortion on demand is a just and moral cause.


Canadian Cancer Society Apologizes to Alphabet Soup Brigade for Using ‘Cervix’ Instead of ‘Front Hole’ ...wants “to normalize the reality that men can have these body parts too.” These people are literally insane 


The plan is borne from the fact that Californians have switched to electric and hybrid vehicles at a faster rate than other states, spurred on by large state, as well as federal, subsidies. As a result, gas consumption has declined, in turn reducing the state’s gas tax receipts. One might think this could be rectified by simply shifting money from the general fund to make up for it. But the state faces up to a $55 billion deficit this year, causing it to consider a host of additional taxes, including a wealth tax.


Christian Parents Say Vermont Blocked Them From Foster Care System Because Of Their Beliefs On Gender  “Although the Wuotis and Gantts have adopted five children between them, the Department has determined they are unfit to foster or adopt any child solely due to their religiously inspired and widely held belief that girls cannot become boys or vice versa,” the suit says.


Politicians like to brag about “creating jobs” and for once it was literally true.
Of those 300,000 jobs, 71,000 or 1 in 4 were government jobs. Another 72,000 jobs came out of the healthcare industry which is heavily government funded. And 9,000 came from “employment in social assistance” or welfare. About 1 in 2 of Biden’s jobs were funded by taxpayers in one form or another. The only non-government industry showing significant job growth was the hospitality industry which was prepping temporary employment for vacation season.



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