Thursday, June 06, 2024

Remembering June 6, 1944; D-Day and America in 2024...more

Remembering June 6, 1944: Let’s pause to commemorate the day 80 years ago when forces of good started the liberation of Europe from true Nazi tyranny  Today, the 80th anniversary of the greatest seaborne invasion in human history, is an opportunity to pause and express our admiration for our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and, in some cases, great-grandfathers who stormed the white sandy beaches of Normandy that June morning in 1944, when the few survivors who remain return one final time, commemorating the most important day of their young lives. In these divided and highly partisan times, can we all pause for a few minutes to say thanks and honor the sacrifice of what truly was America’s Greatest Generation?

On this the eighty-year anniversary of the D-Day landings, I am haunted by the memory of my visit and the thought of what this nation has become.
If I were to return to Normandy, how could I tell those young men that the totalitarian mindset they fought and died to defeat now dominates virtually all of America’s institutions?  How could I relate to them that the nation’s ruling class is accelerating the transformation of the nation into a one-party Marxist/socialist oligarchy by allowing untold millions of illegal aliens, including criminals, terrorists, and potential saboteurs, unfettered admittance and access to virtually all the rights of American citizenship?


Fox 32 in Chicago reported that on Friday night, a couple was enjoying a date night in the city's Streeterville neighborhood. They found themselves surrounded by a group of teens. The teens beat, kicked, and punched the couple. The woman, who was identified as Nina, was pepper-sprayed and then kicked in the stomach. She was two weeks pregnant and lost her baby in the attack.
Police arrested a 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. They were charged with one count each of misdemeanor battery. A couple is viciously beaten and a baby dies in the attack; the charges amount to misdemeanor battery. Police are investigating. Since the number of attackers is unknown, more arrests and serious charges may be coming. But don't hold your breath.


No single concept has done more to harm our societal fabric than the claim that alleged white privilege has intentionally stolen another group’s freedom, economic prosperity, and free agency. Claims of white privilege have justified theft, violence, the reordering of society, the silencing of dissent, murder, and ultimately, the rights of the largest segment of the American population—whites.

Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens  In other words, "strong employment growth" for American citizens, always was and remains a fabulation, and the only job growth in the US is for illegals, who will work for below minimum wage, which also explains why inflation hasn't spiked in the past year as millions of illegals were hired.


And yet it's been 25 years — going all the way back to 1999 — since the last time members of a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel even bothered to discuss permitting research into new treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


On This Anniversary of the Six-Day War, What Can We Learn to Save the West?  The willingness of Israel (and the world) to call out the evil intentions and actions of the PLO, Muslim Brotherhood, and petty tyrants like Nasser has been replaced with a tacit acceptance of the evil of Hamas and Hezbollah. (Why are we even treating kidnappers as if taking hostages is a legitimate action or the rapes and murders of Oct. 7 as anything but demonic evil?) Fifty-seven years ago, Israel did what was necessary for its survival, and now we all too often see the government capitulating to external countries and organizations instead of being more concerned with taking care of the country.


A group of doctors, nurses, and pediatricians sign on to a declaration calling on prominent medical orgs to stop performing experimental and harmful transgender procedures on children.  “As physicians, nurses, other health professionals, psychotherapists, and behavioral health clinicians, scientists, researchers, and public health and policy professionals, we have serious concerns about the physical and mental health effects of the current protocols promoted for the care of children and adolescents in the United States who express discomfort with their biological sex,” the declaration states.




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