Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Newslinks: June 11, 2024

U.S. deploys warships as Russian fleet makes close pass of Florida in approach to Cuba While the Biden administration has said it is not concerned by the Russian activity, it has nevertheless authorized the deployment of three powerful destroyers and a submarine reconnaissance aircraft to the region, a U.S. Northern Command official told McClatchy and the Herald on Tuesday.

One of the invaders was released by the Biden administration.


Recent national elections and European Union elections have sent shock waves down the spine of Europe’s leftist leaders and parties. Conservative parties in a number of European countries have dominated the leftist parties. From Ireland to France to Belgium to Germany, the conservatives are clearly in the ascendency.


Illegal aliens throwing themselves in front of vehicles are desperate to make money and are looking for ways to scam Americans into giving it to them, no matter the consequences.


Anti-Israel mob chanting ‘Long live Intifada’ lights flares outside NYC exhibit that memorializes Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival victims “There’s only one reason why these protesters would march in front of a Manhattan exhibit in memory of those killed at the Nova music festival on October 7th,” Joel Petlin, superintendent of the Kiryas Joel School District, said in a social media post.
“They support the terrorists who perpetrated it, and they want it to happen again.”


America’s Space Infrastructure: So Vulnerable It Destabilizes Geopolitics The United States needs a space infrastructure that is both resilient and redundant enough to survive a Chinese first strike. That is, the satellite constellation infrastructure that the United States uses for its military and commercial needs must still be functional even if the Chinese were to attack the system and attempt to destroy it. Currently, the brittleness of our satellite constellation is such that any concerted effort by an adversary would render the American satellite constellation useless for military purposes. The satellite infrastructure must be resilient to non-kinetic counterspace weapons like electronic jamming and laser blinding, but also to kinetic anti-satellite missiles or even the deployment of a nuclear weapon.


After Weekend of Rage, Lawmakers Want to Know Who These Pro-Hamas Groups Really Are   Over the weekend pro-Hamas agitators descended on the White House, wreaking havoc and destroying property. Not surprisingly, nobody was arrested after violence and a series of federal crimes.

Biden Campaign Has a Very Revealing Response to Pro-Hamas Mob's Actions at White House  We reported earlier on how, despite skirmishes with police that included running them and the Secret Service out of Lafayette Square, smoke bombs being set off, a Park Ranger getting assaulted, and monuments being vandalized, police announced that no arrests were made among the pro-Hamas agitators who wreaked havoc outside the White House Saturday.


If masked agitators had excluded any other marginalized group at UCLA, Governor Newsom rightly would have sent in the National Guard immediately. But UCLA instead caved to the anti-Semitic activists and allowed its Jewish students to be segregated from the heart of their own campus. That is a profound and illegal failure of leadership. This is America in 2024—not Germany in 1939. It is disgusting that an elite American university would let itself devolve into a hotbed of antisemitism. UCLA’s administration should have to answer for allowing the Jew Exclusion Zone and promise that Jews will never again be segregated on campus.


Judicial Watch announced today it received 54 pages of records from the Department of Justice in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit which show the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA) provided a Democrat staffer with information on FBI whistleblowers who detailed the bureau’s targeting of political opponents and retaliation for their testifying at a May 18, 2023, hearing of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.


Cuomo finally forced to tell whole truth about COVID-19 decisions that cost thousands of lives Even Cuomo knew that allowing COVID patients into a nursing home would be a recipe for disaster. One of his most memorable quotes in the early stages of the pandemic was when he addressed the importance of protecting nursing home residents, and said the virus, if allowed into their facilities, would spread like "fire through dry grass."



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