Thursday, August 08, 2024

News and Views: August 8, 2024

Christian Leaders Urge State Department: Address India Christian Persecution  Emphasizing the acts of violence, vandalism, and forced displacement of Christians committed by religious extremists against Christians and their institutions, the letter also called attention to legal persecution through prohibitions on Christian worship and anti-conversion laws under which thousands of Christians have been arrested with many still detained without a trial. The letter states that over the past two years, tens of thousands of Christians have been displaced with over 400 churches destroyed in Manipur alone with the sanction of government officials.
  American Christians should view this growing persecution with grave concern, especially as the U.S. government seeks closer cooperation with India to counter China. Image


On July 24, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) intercepted two Russian and two Chinese bombers flying near Alaska. Pentagon officials say this marks the first time our two adversaries have been intercepted while operating aircraft in a clearly coordinated flight meant to be just provocative enough to send a message.
   The Russian TU-95 Bear and Chinese H-6 bombers did not enter U.S. or Canadian airspace. In addition, they were intercepted by U.S. and Canadian fighter jets, so it's not as if they were unobserved. But then again, that was not their intent.


UK Authorities Monitoring Social Media, Arresting People for Misinformation  They’ve already “arrested on suspicion of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred and false communications.” Image


The reason they want to get rid of Western civilization is because they're Marxist, and Western values are standing in their way.


Our Crisis of Institutional Competence: Why things don't work anymore  These are not the only examples, of course, and readers can no doubt provide more (feel free to do so in the comments) but the question is, Why?  Why are our institutions suffering from such widespread incompetence? Americans used to be known for "know how," for a "can-do spirit," for "Yankee ingenuity" and the like.  Now?  Not so much.


Unearthed Footage Shows Planned Parenthood Execs Discussing the Sale of Unborn Baby Body Parts In this video, Schutt-Ainé reportedly described in vivid detail how she dismembers unborn babies in the third trimester to avoid partial-birth abortion. Image



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