Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Newslinks: August 7, 2024

When I first became an evangelical, the church we attended was a reasonably straightforward place in which the Gospel was preached. But as time went on, someone complained that the music was not contemporary enough. Suddenly, those of us in church leadership positions found ourselves reading "The Book of the Week," written by one famous pastor or another. One of those books was by a church leader who had grown his flock to the point that his church had multiple campuses and a national presence. I began to see a pattern of the church doing everything the leader outlined in his book to recreate that success.


The United States, notwithstanding all the recent media, regulatory, and political hostility targeting its domestic hydrocarbon industries, is still the world’s biggest producer of petroleum, thanks to the shale revolution. There are no geophysical or technical reasons that constrain yet further expansion of domestic production to meet global needs. But the extent and velocity of any increases will depend mainly on two variables: prevailing prices, and whether policies seek to constrain or facilitate production.
   To paraphrase a now popularly reused aphorism of Benjamin Franklin: America, you have hydrocarbon dominance, if you can keep it.

The most recent climate stupidity suggests that American factories report their greenhouse gas emissions.  As we learned from our country’s first cap-and-trade rule in California, reporting led to required reduction of clean-burning natural gas.  Most factories in California have closed because of that rule.  It required a 75-percent reduction of natural gas — the factories’ only heat source — over five years.
   Combustion of natural gas (methane) produces CO2 and H2O, the two building blocks of photosynthesis and organic life on this planet.  It is harmless and most likely beneficial to the environment.


Historically, democratically-elected governments have been able to weather unpopularity in a way that dictatorships can’t. But mass migration to Britain has not occurred democratically. For nearly thirty years, the electorate has consistently voted for parties pledged to reduce immigration, and just as consistently, immigration has continued to increase: in 2022-2023 immigration surpassed the one million mark.
   Britain is now in the midst of a demographic-cultural transformation unknown at least since the Early Medieval period. Meanwhile, the British economy has stagnated (Britain’s GDP per capita is now lower than it was in 2008), Britain has the highest tax burden on record, public services are dysfunctional, crime is rising, and societal breakdown is accelerating.

We can surely predict what will now unfold. Mass, uncontrolled immigration will continue, with an increasing collapse of social cohesion, escalating Muslim demands and intimidation and yet more double standards and demonisation of critics. This will create a further backlash which will include serious anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim thuggery and violence. The government and police will continue to enforce a one-eyed approach, acknowledging only such white violence and ignoring legitimate public concerns. 
   The issue of Muslim antisemitism, at eye-watering levels but already hard to discuss without being smeared as an “Islamophobe”, will become unmentionable.


Worse was to come. Once they had arrived at the police station, our brave campaigners were then handcuffed and taken to a second secure facility. All of their belongings were confiscated, they were stripped and searched, denied the opportunity to contact their lawyers, and some were not even allowed to contact their family members.
   Not only that, but they were placed under severe psychological pressure, with threats of extended captivity and spent the night in gross conditions, some even being deprived of food and water, all because of non-existent charges.
   We finally managed to get them the services of a lawyer who had to put significant pressure on the authorities in order to secure their release in the early hours of the morning, but their ordeal was not quite over.
   Those who had not already been subject to police interrogation then had to return to the police station that afternoon for further questioning, before the prosecutors eventually ruled what we knew all along – that there was no basis for charges, our campaigners had done nothing wrong! Image

The worst fears out of the Olympic Games have turned into reality with several athletes falling dangerously ill in Paris.


Pakistani national charged with alleged plot to assassinate Donald Trump, other public officials   A Pakistani national with purported ties to Iran was arrested last month on charges he plotted to assassinate former President Donald Trump and multiple other public officials, according to a criminal complaint unsealed Tuesday in Brooklyn federal court.


California Adopts Six Million Children...The traditional role of parents has been seized by the government in the Golden State   On July 15, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 1955 into state law. This deplorable legislation bars school districts from requiring staff to notify parents if their child decides to change their gender. No other state in the country has passed such a drastic law. In fact, according to the Movement Advancement Project, eight states have already passed laws requiring school districts to inform parents if their children ask to use names or pronouns associated with another gender.


Recently, the subject of the choice to be childless has come up in public debates. As I have been researching history, some thoughts have come to me on this topic that I thought I would share. Image



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