Sunday, August 11, 2024

News and Views: August 11, 2024

The 2024 election mirrors the clash between two diametrically opposed world views of how America should be governed. Harris talks of going forward. To where and what? She is fond of saying we are not burdened by what has been. But we are burdened by her past, and we will be terribly burdened by the bleak, tribalized, non-democratic America her policies predict.

We will either be reduced to a two-class country, where our “betters” govern perpetually over their poorer citizens, or we will return to our democracy, where people are judged on their merit and not their genetic composition.


The rise of academic hate...Faculty have gone from professors to extremists  Regardless of political views, the fact that some in academia display support for terrorist organizations, express disappointment that the assassination attempt failed, and openly call for copycat attacks and genocide is deeply troubling. Their hateful rhetoric goes against the basic principles of decency and respect that should govern any academic environment.
   With educators like these, is it any surprise that students support a terrorist organization like Hamas. Given the state of our education system, it shouldn’t shock people that 30% of Gen Z’ers believe that Osama bin Laden’s ideas were a force for good. Is it any wonder why some students chant ‘death to America’ and openly celebrate the attempted killing of a former President.
   It is clear that these extremists have become a dangerous influence on our youth.


“Totalitarian governments like China are great exploiters of opportunity. They recognize weakness and capitalize on it immediately. What we are seeing reflects a deliberate policy choice by the regime,” Allard explained.
   When asked about the potential for China to take advantage of the current crisis along the southern border, Allard says the regime most certainly recognizes President Biden’s weakness on the international stage, adding, “It’s obvious he is not entirely in control at present; China realizes that as well.” Image


5 things to know about Tim Walz's faith, church and the ELCA  In 2021, the ECLA became the first mainline denomination to install a trans-identified bishop, although Rev. Megan Rohrer resigned a year later due to allegations of racism. Image


Study of 125 Countries Finds ‘No Apparent Benefit’ From COVID Vaccines  “At the end of the day, the excess mortality is caused by political interventions, by … public health measures that should not have been applied,” Hickey said. “And that includes the vaccine rollouts, because there’s very clearly no evidence that the vaccines prevented excess death or caused any benefit.”



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