Friday, August 09, 2024

News and Views: August 9, 2024

According to Chinese military observers, this drone is classified as a miniature biomimetic ornithopter, an aerial vehicle that flies by flapping its wings like birds and insects. Due to its realistic appearance, this type of unmanned aircraft has military application potential.


'Rip off a leg or two': Undercover video exposes how Planned Parenthood harvests baby organs   Planned Parenthood fought for eight years to prevent the release of the Center for Medical Progress' newest video, which sheds even more light on the abortion industry's callousness about dismembering living babies and flouting federal law.


Recent Events Prove Western Nations Are Highly Vulnerable to Cyber Calamity  The people who claimed it's “doom mongering” to examine the threat of cyber attacks have been proven utterly wrong this past month.  We just witnessed one of the worst internet implosions of all time and more are on the way.  Prepare accordingly and remember that technological dependency is a double-edged sword.  Use your tech wisely and don't let it run your life.

Iran accelerating cyber activity that appears meant to influence US election, Microsoft says  Microsoft’s report aligns with recent warnings from US intelligence officials, who say America’s adversaries appear determined to seed the internet with false and incendiary claims ahead of November’s vote.
   Top intelligence officials said last month that Russia continues to pose the greatest threat when it comes to election disinformation, while there are indications that Iran is expanding its efforts and China is proceeding cautiously when it comes to 2024.

As a result of the Supreme Court’s failure to intervene in the Murthy case, the FBI and other federal agencies have resumed coordination with social media firms ahead of the 2024 election. Hence, the Federal Bureau of Investigation appears free to unleash its Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF) on the American people. FBI local field offices will now be asked to build relationships and resume regular meetings with social media enterprises. Given the FBI’s well-deserved reputation for engaging in dubious activities, the prospect of future FBI interference in our elections coupled with the impending return of the surveillance state appears to be on the horizon.


Biden Administration Let Iranian Assassin Into Country on Special Permit  Merchant was on a terrorism watch list, but he was given special permission to enter the country. He entered the country to arrange the assassination of Donald Trump, and the FBI actually posed as assassins for hire to nab him AFTER they let him into the country in the first place.

Radical Islamic groups have gone unchecked under Biden-Harris — now they’re coming for our kids  The average ages of ISIS’ online targets? Kids between the ages of 13 and 19.
Europol data uncovered that of the 27 ISIS plots in Europe discovered since Oct. 7, 38 of 58 suspects were children.


God the Hen, God the Baker: Tim Walz’s ‘Church’ Is About What You’d Expect  Pilgrim Lutheran is hardly Christian, and as Chesterton said, when men discard Christianity, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything. At Walz’s church, that includes Islam: Pilgrim Lutheran encouraged its people to “attend meals celebrating the Muslim holy day of Ramadan and by providing them signs to paste in their windows wishing those around them a ‘Blessed Ramadan.’” Got to be inclusive, doncha know. Never mind that one can become so very inclusive as to have no principles of one’s own, and that’s where Pilgrim Lutheran and Tim Walz are. If the Democrats ever change their stance on an issue, so will Pilgrim Lutheran Church. It’s a leftist mouthpiece posing as a church, just as Walz himself is a leftist mouthpiece posing as a patriot


Muslim Mobs Attack Hindus, Set Homes and Temples on Fire in Bangladesh  Angry Muslim mobs attacked Hindu and Christian minorities across Bangladesh days after anti-government protests forced the country’s prime minister out of office.
   “The Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council said that 45 out of 64 districts in the country had seen the targeting of mostly Hindu homes, businesses or temples this week. A school teacher had been killed and 45 other people hurt, it said,” Reuters reported Thursday.
    Persecuted Hindus were trying to flee to neighbouring India. “Early on Thursday, about 300 Bangladeshis had assembled at a border point near India’s Jalpaiguri district but dispersed later. Indian media showed Indian border troops around a group of people there,” the news agency noted.



620% Increased Risk of Myocarditis: Another Peer-Reviewed Study Confirms Destruction Caused by mRNA COVID-19 Jabs     The study also disclosed that booster shots were associated with increased risks of several autoimmune connective tissue diseases (AI-CTDs). While not as high as the risks for myocarditis and pericarditis, the study revealed a 12 percent increased risk for alopecia areata (patchy hair loss), a 16 percent increase for psoriasis (scaly, inflamed skin), and a 14 percent increase for rheumatoid arthritis.

Australia: Perrottet’s Covid Apology Is Not Good Enough Most importantly, we need to have some kind of severe punishment for the behaviour of our premiers, prime ministers, health ministers, and media class (who took marketing money from vaccine companies) for the deliberate crucible of wall-to-wall fear propaganda that was created to manipulate the public perception of Covid and encourage them to take risks with their health they never would have done in a sane environment.

Study Estimates Millions in US Risk Liver Damage From Herbal Remedies  From turmeric to green tea, many botanicals we commonly use as herbal remedies pose a threat to our liver if we indulge too much.
A new survey from the University of Michigan estimates up to 18.6 million people in the US make use of at least one of these herbal remedies with liver-damaging potential.


Why tinker with the golden goose, the cash cow, or any other theriomorphic image one might wish to use? Why sell one’s birthright for a mess of pottage, which is what the EV industry actually is? Todd Lewis, a commenter on my previous article on PJ Media, put it succinctly. “It is a way for governments to advance totalitarian control of the populace, wreck the economy, and disempower the middle class.” His thesis is backed up in Joel Kotkin’s masterpiece "The Coming of Neo-Feudalism." Kotkin chronicles how the once-numerous and thriving middle class is relentlessly being phased out of existence by a power elite intent on re-medievalizing society while advancing their own social, political, and economic supremacy. Like the serf who lacked freedom of movement and was bound to the lord’s estate, the enfiefed EV owner for various reasons is tethered to a sort of manorial orbit.



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