Monday, August 12, 2024

News and Views: August 12, 2024

Unemployable...A growing number of Americans aren’t simply out of a job. They’re no longer fit for work  But the workforce woes run deeper. Ever more adults are unemployable because of worsening social dysfunction, changing youth attitudes toward work, and university and public school failures to prepare students for labor-market realities. Drug legalization has made it harder to find laborers who can pass drug tests—essential to work in industries like construction and transport—leading to worker shortages for key jobs, including truck drivers. A crime spike, meantime, will likely create a new generation of convicts, among the toughest people to employ when they reenter society. Soaring mental-health problems add to the ranks of the unemployable. And many firms hesitate to hire new college grads because they often lack basic skills, starting with knowing how to communicate and function within a group, and often have unrealistic expectations about pay and benefits.


So Britain has gone totalitarian, and in a convoluted way that leaves it a credible threat to nobody but itself. As Rick Moran pointed out on these pages, a majority of British subjects are apparently all on board with relinquishing free speech to their self-declared betters. And just think that their ancestors bequeathed us the Magna Carta, checked the expansion of the bloody French Revolution, and helped defeat the Third Reich. And now they're returning to the manor as willing serfs. The whole thing is just sad.

UK's Slide into Totalitarianism: A Grim Echo of Communist Regimes  Billy Thompson, a father of young children, has been unjustly imprisoned for 12 weeks simply for expressing his opinion during a Facebook conversation with a family member, a shocking example of the UK’s descent into totalitarianism where free speech is criminalized and dissent is brutally punished.

Unless there is a dramatic turn-around and some mass deportations, I suspect England will be a Caliphate in less than a decade. In many areas it already is such, as Sharia is the law enforced. If you are not familiar with Rotherham and the other areas where English children were and are raped by “Asian gangs” and the authorities let it happen as if they had done their jobs they might have been called racists. Recently, one of the victims went on television for an interview and was immediately visited by the authorities and intimidated for telling her story because it made them look bad. Can’t do anything about all the rapes M’am, but how dare you make us or your rapists look bad! Think I’m joking or even getting into hyperbole? Look it up, as this has been going on for years and sadly this is not a joke or hyperbole.


The president, the Democratic presidential candidate, and the vice presidential nominee all either cannot or will not speak casually and publicly to elected representatives, reporters, or the people.
...We are now witnessing yet a fourth coup from the party that warns us that democracy dies in darkness.
      They have removed their once robust now demented nominee, nullified 14 million primary voters, repackaged and selected Harris in his place who has never won a single primary—and now plan to continue in power for another four years by silencing the outgoing president, secluding the vice president and muting the Democratic ticket itself. [VD Hanson]


Trump is willing to fight, unlike most elected Republicans and surrogates. Which is why Trump remains popular to this day, despite the fierce opposition, including a recent assassination attempt.
   Do Trump supporters want to marry him? Live with him? Vacation with him? Be his valentine? No, they want an advocate, someone willing to roll up his sleeves and fight for them


Communism the Main Goal at Pro-Palestinian ‘Summer Camp‘  The “Western Massachusetts Popular University for Palestine” is not just about the Gaza war started by Hamas terrorists, the Globe reports, but also about “the manifestation of the capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy.”


Iraq's controversial child marriage bill sparks outrage...against a proposed law that allows marriage with nine-year-old girls   According to women's rights activists cited by the newspaper, the proposed law "will legalize child rape." They emphasize that marriage to a minor violates human rights, deprives girls of educational opportunities, and exposes them to violence.


Federal judges who refused to hire Columbia grads are cleared of misconduct charges  The judges refused to hire Columbia graduates due to the anti-Israel chaos that took place at the school this year, and what they saw as the Columbia administration’s ineffective response to the disruptive protests.


Dr. Ben Carson: Democrats Own the Housing Crisis, as They Infused ‘Millions‘ of People into U.S. Society   Harris is the driving force of a lot of these policies,” Boyle said, noting that many people cannot afford to buy a home or raise a family in the country.
“Well, recognize that there’s a couple of factors. First of all, he’s infused millions of people into society, and they need places to stay, also, so the competition for these places goes up, which, of course, drives the price up,” Carson said, likely referencing the Biden-Harris administration’s open border policies, which have brought millions of illegal aliens into the U.S. 


Biden-Harris DHS Builds ‘Ghost Mode Operation‘ for Migrants to Stay in U.S.   “As if releasing millions of illegal aliens into our country wasn’t bad enough, now Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are allowing those released illegals to go ‘ghost mode,’ making it almost impossible for ICE agents to locate them in the future, should they abscond,” RJ Hauman, president of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), told Breitbart News.


Cellphones have become a school scourge. More than 70% of high school teachers say student phone distraction is a “major problem,” according to a survey this year by Pew Research.

That’s why states are mounting a bipartisan effort to crack down on rampant student cellphone use. So far this year, at least eight states have passed laws, issued orders or adopted rules to curb phone use among students during school hours.


‘Seriously, this sucks.’ How a small Minnesota town was left with a giant pile of wind turbine blades   Trucks dropped off 111 fiberglass turbine blades on the empty lot next door in 2020, haphazardly stacked to the edge of Richardson’s property. Almost four years later, the mountain of old wind parts — which is visible on Google Earth — is still there.
Some blades are cracked and stained. Locals say they draw feral cats and foxes and are a safety risk because kids climb on the junk.



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