Tuesday, August 13, 2024

News and Views: August 13, 2024

The American Exile...The Return of Paganism and the Internal Collapse of the American Experiment     In truth, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were compromised internally long before outside forces exploited and conquered them. Is America poised for such a fate? Many have postulated as such, but this belief of an American in decline is not only a right-leaning inclination; the New York Times, The Atlantic, and America Magazine have also published warning signals. Like the Assyrians and Babylonians a few millennia before, nefarious world powers — like Russia, China, and Iran — are certainly ready to pounce on the United States’ economic, geopolitical, and cultural misfortunes.
    Yet all is not dire. The decline can be reversed — but it begins with a rejection of paganism in all forms; reinvigorating the nuclear family, meritocracy, and intermediary civil organizations; and a re-examination of American principles that are rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition. It is imperative for a unified understanding of what these rights mean and where they came from. Christians must also remember their baptism when they were anointed priest, prophet, and king. With those words, comes a sacred duty: to be an example of joyous devotion, willing the good of the other, especially in times of suffering and anguish.

How Global Religious Freedom Is Being Harmed By Government Lies  “Governments are increasingly using such tactics to threaten, harass, intimidate, and attack individuals and communities on the basis of their religious beliefs. The U.S. government, collaborating with like-minded governments, should continue to develop strategies to counter governments using misinformation and disinformation to encourage or justify restrictions on FoRB (freedom of religion or belief).”


Britain Is Proof: Globalists Plan To Use Migrants As A Mercenary Army Against The West  The majority of people from these regions will never be able to coexist peacefully within Western communities. They don’t understand freedom, they don’t understand diplomacy, they don’t understand compromise. For them, tolerance is not a virtue, it’s a weakness that can be exploited to their advantage. This is a fact proven time and time again as mass migrations accelerates and I think my theory has recently been vindicated by events in the UK.
   British citizens have been victimized for over a decade by migrant attacks and organized crime. The two-tier policing system in the UK continues to protect these migrants from retribution while the government hides statistics that show how much violence is being committed by non-citizens.


EU Warns Elon Musk Not To Broadcast Interview With Trump on X   Brussels is threatening Musk with legal consequences if he allows what EU authorities call "disinformation" on X.
   The globalists in charge of the EU and the UK have begun an aggressive campaign against individual rights like freedom of speech in the name of public order, by all but suppressing public opposition to their policies online.
   Ursula von der Leyen, president of the EU Commission, told an audience at the WEF24 Agenda meeting at Davos in January about how they plan to establish control over social media platforms, which they now want to control. Image

Trump on X Taps Into a Voting Bloc That Legacy Media Doesn't Even Know Exists  The legacy media is so focused on rebranding Kamala Harris and running interference for Tim Walz that they cannot even recognize the brilliance of this pivot. X is the one platform that isn't working overtime to either ignore, misrepresent, or drown out Trump's campaign and message. Much to their chagrin, with this X interview, Trump has blown a hole through their propaganda wall and reached past to voters that they had no idea existed.

Interview (only if you have a Twitter account): Here


By blocking aid deliveries, the UN is doing exactly what it falsely accused Israel of, and if you believe the UN’s claims that Gaza is at risk of famine and that’s genocide, then the UN is committing genocide. And the UN treaty-created ICC ought to charge it with war crimes.
    The UN is not alone. Egypt, like the UN, cares so much about the people of Gaza that it continues to block any aid from getting through the Rafah crossing until Israel turns the crossing back over to Hamas. According to the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO), 2,000 Gazans in need of medical help couldn’t be evacuated because Egypt is also holding them hostage. Image


For most spectators, the Olympics are a display of the highest level of athletic skill. But for many Christian athletes, they provide an opportunity to express their faith to each other and to the world. Below are some of the most memorable moments of Christian expression at the Paris Olympic


A Harris-Walz administration would be a nightmare for free speech For over three years, the Biden-Harris administration has sustained an unrelenting attack on the freedom of speech, from supporting a massive censorship system (described by a federal court as an “Orwellian Ministry of Truth“) to funding blacklisting operations targeting groups and individuals with opposing views.  
President Biden made censorship a central part of his legacy, even accusing social media companies of “killing people” for failing to increase levels of censorship. Democrats in Congress pushed that agenda by demanding censorship on subjects ranging from climate change to gender identity — even to banking policy — in the name of combatting “disinformation.”

Harris To Voters: You Have To Elect Me To Find Out What I’m For If she is so sharp and politically savvy and so full of great ideas, you’d think she’d be eager to show off all this off. Why keep her light under a bushel?
  Having said all this, the real risk to the country isn’t electing someone who is stupid. It’s electing someone who’s been allowed to hide the fact that she is a hardcore leftist.
   That’s what voters will learn about Harris if, God help us, she wins this November.

‘Reshaping the Electorate‘: Biden-Harris Admin Granting Citizenship at Fastest Rate in a Decade  The surge in naturalization efficiency isn’t just about clearing backlogs; it’s potentially reshaping the electorate, merely months before a pivotal election.
   Every citizenship application could be a vote that decides Senate seats or even the presidency.


Is it surprising that the shortage of nurses and doctors is worsening when they can see that paying government bureaucrats is more important than paying them to provide patient care? When the system they work in undervalues them, takes away the psychic reward, and hogties them with regulations to protect the patients from them?
      The true wonder is that any care providers are still willing to put up with this. The solution for the shortages is simple, though politically radioactive. Since government incursion into the practices of medicine, nursing, and therapy is the root cause, the cure is to withdraw Washington’s heavy hand from its illegal and harmful malpractice of health care.

Seattle Children's Hospital Segregates Doctors by Race, Asks Them To Tap 'Repressed Racial Memories' in Leaked Training   At Seattle Children's Hospital, which is affiliated with the University of Washington School of Medicine, stomach doctors were encouraged to self-segregate even after the training ended. "BIPOC learners" should commit to "immersing" themselves "in racial/ethnic experiences and group settings," one slide says, while "white learners" should work with other white people to foster "racial identity formation."



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