Friday, August 16, 2024

News and Views: August 16, 2024

Nine State AGs Push Back on Biden's Use of Federal Agencies to Tip the Scales of the 2024 Election On Tuesday, attorneys general from nine states — Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and South Dakota — filed a federal lawsuit asking a U.S. district court in Wichita, Kansas, to shut down an executive order that is using federal agencies to register and mobilize left-leaning voters, with the assistance of White House-approved leftist organizations. Among the charges, the complaint alleges the Biden administration has usurped the appropriating power of Congress, which did not grant the executive branch authority to fund the unprecedented GOTV initiative.


Who Owns America? Oligarchs Have Bought Up the American Dream “We the people” have become the new, permanent underclass in America.
   We’re being forced to shell out money for endless wars that are bleeding us dry; money for surveillance systems to track our movements; money to further militarize our already militarized police; money to allow the government to raid our homes and bank accounts; money to fund schools where our kids learn nothing about freedom and everything about how to comply; and on and on.


Price controls have been disastrous whenever they've been implemented. Prices are signals, ways of communicating how much of a good is needed by consumers and how much ought to be produced. Interfering with these signals will create terrible shortages. Giving the government the power to meddle in the economy in this way will not drive prices down, it will force some firms to go out of business and some consumers to experience shortages of goods they would have otherwise been able to purchase. The scale at which this devastation happens is contingent on the scale at which the government chooses to meddle.

As even the Washington Post notes - "Harris has thus far surrounded herself with many former aides to Biden, and her team had made some overtures to business leaders that they hoped reflected a more centrist approach. But the policy positions she embraced Friday suggest she will continue, if not deepen, the party’s transformation under Biden, who pushed for more aggressive government intervention in the economy on industrial, labor and antitrust policies."
   Meanwhile, according to a Gallup survey taken earlier this year, just 21% of Americans say it's a good time to buy a house - while just days ago, July's inflation reading showed that shelter prices jumped 0.4% from the previous month. According to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell, it might take 'several years' for the pandemic-era rent increases to abate.


Why Did Pentagon Allow Turkish Muslim Citizen Access to Highly Classified Docs?  There’s plenty to delve into here, but let’s start with why a dual citizen was employed in the DOD Joint Warfare Analysis Center, and why he was able to access “150 pages of documents from a highly classified network” after taking multiple trips to the Middle East.


(Newsweek article-worth a read to check out the comments)


Why Did Pentagon Allow Turkish Muslim Citizen Access to Highly Classified Docs?  There’s plenty to delve into here, but let’s start with why a dual citizen was employed in the DOD Joint Warfare Analysis Center, and why he was able to access “150 pages of documents from a highly classified network” after taking multiple trips to the Middle East.


Two-Tier Policing: UK Has Arrested More Anti-Mass Migration Protesters Than People-Smugglers   On Tuesday, British police boasted that over 1,024 people had been arrested and 575 charged for taking part in or inciting disorder or “stirring up hatred” on social media.In some cases, protesters have been convicted for as little as shouting at police. Others have been arrested for posting “inaccurate information” about the migration-background suspect in a deadly mass stabbing in Southport, which sparked the current unrest. Some of those arrested are children, including at least two boys aged 12 and another aged just 11. Image


Extreme And Deceptive Abortion Until Birth Amendments Make The Ballot In Arizona, Missouri    Missouri and Arizona officially joined this week the ranks of six states that have fallen prey to extremist-led efforts to enshrine abortion until birth in state constitutions via proposed amendments.
   A majority of U.S. adults oppose Democrats’ plans to legalize abortion through birth. Yet voters in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, and South Dakota who have no doubt been duped by euphemistic calls for “reproductive rights” are poised to decide this November if they will permanently allow abortion through all nine months in their state. Image


Hackers may have stolen your Social Security number: Here’s how to protect yourself  According to the website Bleeping Computer, “Each record consists of the following information — a person’s name, mailing addresses, and Social Security number, with some records including additional information, like other names associated with the person. None of this data is encrypted.”


Polls, Pols, and Poli-sci...Extraordinary Scholarly Delusions and the Madness of Experts  These 2024 presidential rankings are back-of-the-envelope musings by 154 politically biased academics. Very likely, most (including self-styled Republicans and conservatives) instinctively favor presidents who are progressive, activist, splashy, and complex over those who are conservative, passivist, sedate, and uncomplicated. Rankings for more recent presidents are hormonally hyperprone to exaggeration. Make of them what you may.



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