Thursday, August 15, 2024

News and Views: August 15, 2024

That’s right: the American delegation, if the Kuwaiti report is correct, did not go to Tehran to demonstrate America’s strength; rather, it went there in order to show America’s weakness. The delegation was intent not on warning Iran not to attack Israel, but to insist that America hadn’t had anything to do with the killings of Haniyeh and Shukr, for those nasty Israelis had not taken them into their confidence.
   Even worse, these cowardly appeasers reportedly went to the Iranians bearing gifts. Fakhravar states: “The detailed report stated that the American delegation, arriving on a private plane from Turkey, landed at Payam-e-Khorram Airport in Karaj on Thursday and held a two-hour meeting with Iranian officials before returning to Ankara.” At this meeting, the greatest betrayal of all was consummated: "the delegation presented a list containing the names of ten Mossad agents inside Iran, whom the Americans believe were involved in the assassination, directly or indirectly.”


10 radical Harris positions the media are helping her hide: List From a pool of 1,200 Democrats and independents, 71%-86% said that they “either had not heard of Harris’s position or were unsure,” according to the survey for the Media Research Center, the center-right media watchdog.


New York AG Letitia James demands Big Tech step in to 'protect' voters from 'misinformation'...requested in-person meetings with big tech companies  New York's Democratic attorney general sent a letter to Big Tech companies demanding they step in and "protect" users of their respective websites from election "misinformation."
   "While misinformation has been a concern in past elections, with the rise of gen[erative] AI, barriers that prevent bad actors from creating deceptive or misleading content have weakened dramatically," James wrote in a letter sent to 10 social media and AI companies, including Meta, Google and OpenAI. Image


The church of trans dogma...The Church of England is now persecuting preachers who refuse to toe the line on gender ideology.   Educate and Celebrate brought this bizarre, radical trans activism to classrooms. Yet according to both the Bishop of Derby’s safeguarding staff and Trent College, it was Randall’s views that supposedly put children in danger.
Shortly after he gave his ‘Competing Ideologies’ sermon, Randall was sacked from his position. He was even reported to the government’s anti-terrorism watchdog, Prevent, by the safeguarding lead at Trent College. It was later acknowledged that Randall’s views did not make him a threat to national security. Image


The bottom line to all of this is that we can now program any deity — in this case the greatest figure in Western civilization, Jesus Christ — to instruct the masses or sway their beliefs with whatever agenda is behind the technology.
   Right now, it may be a subtle response in a “Text with Jesus” app; tomorrow it might be a bold statement that changes the foundations of our spiritual beliefs.



While Italy celebrates, however, other Mediterranean countries are being targeted by the same people smugglers in much higher numbers than before—Spain registered a 155% increase this year, and Greece a whopping 222%—showing that the problem of illegal migration has not gone away but simply pivoted to more vulnerable shores.


Unlike the Western world, there is hardly any ability to remain lukewarm in faith in Iran. The light of the Gospel shines the brightest in the darkest of nations. When Jesus appears to these once-staunch Muslims in dreams or visions, completely transforming their belief systems, they face social ostracization and persecution through imprisonment, violence and death for their new faith — realities they readily embrace in order to boldly follow Jesus and share the Gospel message of joy with others. Image

Iran's Jesus Revolution: Mosques Close as 1 Million Muslims Accept Christ  An unprecedented number of Muslims are choosing to follow Christ, especially in Iran as people search for a better life.
   Iranians are growing tired of the ayatollahs and a nation led by the empty promises of their Islamic theocracy. An anonymous internal poll found that 80% now prefer a democratic government, and many are leaving Islam.
   "You have a country with one of the highest drug addiction rates in the world. You have a country where corruption runs rampant. You have a country where more than half the people live below the poverty line," explained Todd Nettleton of The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM).



The Twisted Psychology of Covid Mask-Wearing and Why So Many Democrats and Liberals Still Wear Them Everywhere  Mask wearers regularly experience oxygen deprivation up to 20%, leading to impaired cognition, anxiety, periodic panic attacks...
...It’s called oxygen deprivation mask syndrome (ODMS), and mountains of scientific evidence proves it’s real. For example, research conducted in 2021 revealed that “prolonged use of Covid masks, either homemade or N95, can cause anywhere from five to 20 percent loss of oxygen to the body, leading to hypoxia as well as hypercapnia (excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream).” Hypoxia can also affect fetal and embryonic development, so pregnant women are a highly vulnerable group for ODMS. Of course, the Covid Industrial Complex was NOT going to let mass media share this vital study with the brainwashed populace.

Often Wrong, Never in Doubt...More than four years since the advent of Covid, public authorities keep pushing health practices contrary to medical and scientific knowledge  Amid this change, however, one finds a Covid constant: public authorities have consistently promulgated health requirements that have been, and remain, contrary to medical and scientific knowledge. Imposing a vaccination requirement on noncitizen air travelers, but not citizens and other types of travelers, made zero sense. Moreover, it has long been clear that the vaccine’s primary utility is to protect the person vaccinated from severe disease—the guard against infection is limited and short-lived; thus, vaccine mandates could not be justified as protecting the public.

Olympic Organizers Accused of 'Doubling Down' with 'Demonic' Closing Ceremony 


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